Numerology for 11/ 08/ 2011

You have the courage to stand alone and to get to the truth, but beware of the words pouring out of you. You want your views to be heard, but as well as teaching, truth can hurt. So, see things from the perspective of others and try not to repeat the same mistakes.

Numerology for 10/ 08/ 2011

You feel your voice must be heard, but in doing so, beware of glamour and being so dependent on the approval of others. Make time to look within, it may make your words inspirational and there are obstacles for you to overcome on your own. Use your true feelings to see clearly in all situations.

Numerology for 09/ 08/ 2011

You can be a tower of strength to those who are dependent on you. You know what makes others tick and how to convince others of the best course of action. However what you believe to be true – may not always be for the best. Learn to listen more carefully to your own inner voice as well as that of others.

Numerology for 08/ 08/ 2011

You want recognition and have a need to travel. You have new ways of doing things and can be unstoppable and inspirational. Take time out to relax, remain adaptable and flexible but perhaps make your goals more realistic, just don’t get stuck.

Numerology for 07/ 08/ 2011

You always want to get to the truth. But, change is truth and life is change. So, try not to get pulled in different directions. You have great will power and should try to ensure this is always applied for the higher good. Watch out for illusions. See life as an experience not a sacrifice.

Numerology for 06/ 08/ 2011

You so want to try everything and this can make it hard for you to focus. You love the unique and unusual and there has to compromise if you are to survive ordinary life. It is important to see things from another’s point of view and to understand everything goes in cycles. The German’s have a saying “Everything has an end only a sausage has two”.

Numerology for 05/ 08/ 2011

You carry out your decisions with great resolve and determination. You display great emotional control, staying cool and unflappable, but you may be sitting on a volcano. Learn to value kindness and to express your feelings in a constructive way. You plan but focus on survival and seeking out the truth, this can make you very hard on yourself, as you are not leaving much space for laughter and joy.

Numerology for 04/ 08/ 2011

Master your emotions and you can act as the messenger and guiding light to others, staying constant amongst great change.

You have a determined strength that is formidable however your energies need always to move in a positive direction. Remember your responsibilities and temper your dislike of authority. Learn to be more tactful and you may find that others give you the freedom to go your own way. Being considerate of others, there is also less of a possibility, that you will be ignored.

Numerology for 03/ 08/ 2011

You have to be practical with regard to making your ideas happen – otherwise you may plan and get frustrated. You can also be attracted to danger and must beware of endangering yourself and others, perhaps for no good reason. You hate the mundane and may dream your life away. Be grateful for obstacles as they keep you grounded and connected to life around you. Determine to inspire yourself and others through overcoming these obstacles, seek an ideal of balanced, determined strength.

Numerology for 02/ 08/ 2011

Try not to repeat the same mistakes, learn from what has gone before. You can respond in different ways and still leave your personal stamp. Maintain your idealism but respect the wishes of others as well and learn to accept the help of others.