Numerology for 21/ 12/ 2012

This is the day of the winter solstice this year and is also the date that represents the end of the 5125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar or Mayan calendar.

The Winter Solstice is the shortest day and the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the point when the days start to get longer. The Winter Solstice has profound cultural meaning around the world and throughout history. The cultural significance varies, but generally refers to a time of rebirth and renewal and is celebrated with festivals and rituals. The fact that this is the shortest day and the longest night, adds great intensity to the energies for this day. There can be highly developed intuition and sensation respectively. You may also want to have fun, but could be too serious to do so.

The Ancient Mayan calendar speaks of 21/12/12 as the end of times as we know it, and the beginning of a new cycle of evolution for planet earth, humanity and the cosmos. Mayan elders say that the Ancients were informing the modern world to be ready for a giant transformation for the human race. Interestingly, traditions across the world including Buddhism, Tao, Hopi and Vedic knowledge predict a ‘Golden Age’ or ‘Satyug’ in their calendars around the same period. December 2012 is being looked upon as a significant spiritual event and a momentous shift in the collective consciousness of the planet.

In terms of Numerology, the energies represented by 21/12/12 are similar to the energies represented by 12/12/12, but on this day the energies are led by 21/ 3, which represents, the birth of the idea. Also, far more important on this date, is the courage to stand alone and to be the independent, self-achieving pioneer who leads the way, by doing things in new ways. There may be a great determination on this day, to put yourself in the driving seat, rather than have the environment dictate your actions and how you feel. Being independent of the approval of others can give you great power and freedom. The mission that comes from the date is 38/ 11/ 2, which is about inspiring others through your work. The date 12/12/12 has a lot more to do with communication, the date 21/12/12 has a lot more to do with the power of silence and connecting to your true essence, energies may also be more intensely focussed. The ability to let go, trust and to be more forgiving may also be more critical here.
With 21/12/12 representing the day of the winter solstice for this year and so representing rebirth and renewal, as well as the end of the Mayan calendar.

Numerology for 20/ 12/ 2012

You are great at starting things and you generate a great deal through your thoughts and emotions. You are difficult to stop when you have made your mind up about something and you can move very quickly. Try not to be too impatient and see your sensitivity as a great strength. You may have to push through some powerful barriers to be yourself and to do things in your own way, be grateful for this drive inside, as this push will keep you going when you get there ..

Numerology for 19/ 12/ 2012

You may swing between lethargy and a storm of violent emotions, but try to avoid placing your heavy concerns on others. You must learn to own your strength and to always be open to new and different ideas. Learn to trust your inner voice and to follow this no matter what. Socialise when and where you can and remember to laugh. Develop a global vision of yourself and the world. Self realise.

Numerology for 18/ 12/ 2012

You can think in far reaching terms without overlooking the details and you are in it for the long haul. You are very persistence and when things are not working out well this can cause problems. You can make great demands on others and you need to recognise when they are unable or unwilling to change and tailor your expectations accordingly. Allow time to go into the silence and develop your inspiration and creativity. You don’t always have to be active and you can allow others to shine too.

Numerology for 17/ 12/ 2012

You like to focus on the here and now, on what is substantive and solid. Getting to the bottom of things despite great transience and change, can spur you into action, but try to lighten up and let fun and laughter move your world also. Open yourself to the spiritual and you may realise you sometimes have to lose to acquire.

Numerology for 16/ 12/ 2012

You have an amazing imagination that may at times feel stifled by reality, but it is very important that you stay positive and grounded, reaching for the stars with your feet firmly on the ground. You may at times be overwhelmed with your own emotions and being sensitive to the feelings of others may make you feel lots better. Try not to make things too complicated. When you focus your energies you can achieve great things, so follow your passion and try not to get sidetracked so easily.

Numerology for 15/ 12/ 2012

You may want to express the beauty and catch the sunshine, but you have to learn to work with what you have and make the most of this. Think big but recognise your limitations. You enjoy having a positive impact on those around you, so don’t get caught up in power games. Try to keep your connection with others open and optimistic. See things from the point of view of others. Detach yourself from guilt and forgive. Love without expectation.

Numerology for 14/ 12/ 2012

You can be extremely complex and profound. You are also very ambitious and determined to get to the top. Be grateful to obstacles they keep you grounded and focussed, they also help you to connect with others in a whole new way. Total freedom to do things in your own way is very important to you. You can be a catalyst for change when you challenge the status quo. But, carefully consider what you say and do – sometimes you can make your point quietly. Master yourself so that you can teach others to do it for themselves.

Numerology for 13/ 12/ 2012

You can be painstaking in your work but you can also see the bigger picture. Remember to keep moving forward – with all your minute examination – don’t get caught in a trap of your own making. There is a point at which polishing becomes wearing away. Allow yourself to go with the flow and new ways of doing things may result. You may find you are working with others more and seeing things from their point of view. In new territory you may inspire others with your vision.

Numerology for 12/ 12/ 2012

The date 12/12/12 is dominated by the magical 12/ 3 energy. This energy represents the trinity, the blue print and the idea. There is the potential for great harmony here, as 1+2+3 = 6 and 12/ 3 can represent physical (1), emotional (2) and mental (3) working together in great harmony, symbolically also, there were 12 apostles.

This energy also represents the potential for successful co-operative ventures, with masculine energies (1) and feminine energies (2) co-operating together to make ideas happen (3). Potential obstacles here could be a great impatience to make things happen and the potential to scatter energy. There may also a great deal of emotion generated on this day (2) and there is the potential to be ‘up with brilliant ideas and then down with emotion’. The challenge on this day is to see things through, without getting distracted and without emotional drama, which can occur because you feel so responsible for the happiness of others that you can give too much. You may also so much want the harmony, that you can allow others to push you so far, that you have to redress the balance. It is important to see things from the perspective of others on this day.

The mission that comes from this date is energy 29/ 11/ 2, which represents bringing in the light. With this mission there is the potential for amazing wisdoms to come through if you can be strong emotionally i.e. these wisdoms come through on the 2 of emotion. Being strong emotionally can mean speaking your wisdoms even though others may not respond as you would like them to and being creative in your own way, without worrying what others may think. With a great deal of 3 energy on this day you may also feel a great need to communicate effectively with others, bringing great joy into the lives of others. You may therefore feel torn between saying what others want to hear and speaking your truth. There may be a great need to be with people on this day and with such intense energies you may feel forced to dig deep, in order to communicate effectively and also to see things as others do i.e. not to take it personally when not everyone wants to share your joy and to find the courage to stand alone and to truly be yourself.