Numerology for 30/ 01/ 2022

Your relentless determination to inspire and take charge may mean you start to reconsider how best to help others. You may find yourself breaking away from your image to choose a completely different, fresh approach. We can’t impose our beliefs on others and you may realise that because you are inspired again, you will be able to inspire others, through your actions not just your words. This may be a time to re-evaluate with regard to what you really think and what you really want, sharing at the deepest level, possibly focusing more on personal relationships and expressing your great sensitivity. By making your ideas clear you may be able to start building something new from scratch. By taking full responsibility and not blaming the world, you may find freedom to express your great sensitivity, seeing it as the great strength it is.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’

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