Numerology for 20/ 06/ 2014

There may be a great deal of emotion and re-evaluation with regard to the best way forward. You may feel a bit stuck and defeated by the world. You know you have important things to say and that you want to work with others to make a difference. Now is the time to let go of the past, let go of patterns of behaviour and thought patterns that may have gotten you stuck. Decide to think positive even if you don’t feel this in your heart. Have faith in yourself and in the universe.

Numerology for 19/ 06/ 2014

The cold light of day may hit you in some way today and there may be a need to make decisions without emotion. To do this you may be a need to go into the quiet to find your inspiration. Don’t waste any energy comparing yourself with others and feeling that you don’t measure up and that you are not good enough. Even though you may prefer to work behind the scenes, you can shine under pressure and may have some ideas you want to share. Stay in touch with the feelings of others, as well as our own, your way doesn’t have to be the only way. Be open to doing things in new ways and taking others with you.

Numerology for 18/ 06/ 2014

There may be obstacles in front of you and you may feel lots of emotion about having to focus on the practical. Although you may feel quite sceptical you very much want to find the peace within and may need to express a great deal of emotion. You have a relentless determination, but may be holding on to a structure that has gone. Allow yourself to let go with love and allow new energies and ways of thinking in. You can be very generous with others but now might be a time to give time to yourself and to reconnect with who you truly are. A time to pull all the varied parts of your life together and to reconnect with the joy, that can only be found within.

Numerology for 17/ 06/ 2014

Getting to the bottom of things, speaking your truth and living this in some way, may be important to you today. You may want to uplift others with your vision or at least work with others. It may help just to focus on the essence of everything and just getting the essentials done. You may become aware of emotional blocks that may be stopping you from moving forward, you may feel in new territory and a little bit fragile. There may be an opportunity to re-invent yourself and if you go with this, stick with your truth. Try to leave others to their own devices – you don’t have you convince them all of the time. Take the time to reflect and discover amazing wisdom and teachers all around you. Don’t let criticism and the fear of being judged keep you from expressing yourself.

Numerology for 16/ 06/ 2014

Don’t get too comfortable – continue to take risks and embrace change, all that you dream of is outside of your comfort zone. It is important that you stay positive, if you worry too much about doing the wrong thing or focus too much on your doubts, there is the danger of inaction. Other people may be trying to impose their way of thinking on you, but they are also giving you something to push against. You may have to ‘get real’ about your dreams and you may feel a bit stuck, but beyond the brick wall that may be right in front of you, is the most amazing expanse of space, stay engaged with the bigger picture, believe you can transform everything and you will.

Numerology for 15/ 06/ 2014

You know people and how they tick. You have a way of winning people over and bringing the best out in others. But, don’t lose sight of your true own identity – your confidence doesn’t have to depend on the reactions of others. Stay positive and live your truth as much as possible, find the courage to truly be yourself. You have some new ideas that could make a difference and when you are happy you will find that miraculously everyone else is happy.

Numerology for 14/ 06/ 2014

You are intense, determined and very sharp in your observation and assessment of what is going on around you. You can be very tough once you know your goal and may have to back off occasionally. Remember to return the attentions of those who care about you, they want to help and you don’t have to sort everything out yourself. There is a very sensitive side to you that is a great strength. You don’t have to reinvent yourself to inspire others.


Link below is recording of my interview with Mike Graham of Talk Sport Radio (11/06/14), together with, the ‘Numerology Relationship Chart’ referred to and notes. (Relationship Chart includes Wayne Rooney, Jack Wilsher and Daniel Sturridge as well as date of match 14/06/14).  This may be an interesting read after England Vs Italy match tomorrow ….


‘Relationship Chart’ with notes


Numerology for 13/ 06/ 2014

You may be determined to get your message across and you may want to keep things simple despite lots of emotion and lots of change swirling around you. You have a great opportunity to learn from what is going on around you and helping others may make you feel lots better. You may feel you want to be in another distant far off place, but still your mind and you will see that where you are, is exactly the right place for you to learn what you need to learn.

Numerology for 12/ 06/ 2014

You may have planned for perfection but obstacles may force you into action, perhaps when you don’t feel quite ready. Stay positive, dedicate everything to the highest good and try to deal with things squarely. You may feel forced to see things as others do, but this may help you to connect with others in a whole new way. Always remember, facing your fears can set you free.