Thinks may not be going as planned and you may have to let go of some rigid ideas as you go with the flow. Try to stay positive and share your knowledge, bring insight to those around you. Try not to let the words pour out of you, focus on action as well as words.
Month: July 2012
Numerology for 30/ 07/ 2012
Because of the obstacles your focus may be on physical action today and you may get very frustrated when your plans are delayed. Try to see beyond the obstacles and not to lose sight of where you want to get to. Be open to deeper emotional contact. Truly be yourself and some big projects may emerge.
Numerology for 29/ 07/ 2012
You are determined to make your ideas happen and can get very frustrated by the negativity of others.
The outcome can still be positive if you listen to others but stay focussed on your goals. Try not to over generalise and treat everyone is an individual. Beware of the words pouring out of you. Allow yourself time in the silence, where you may find wisdom in your feelings and emotions.
Numerology for 28/ 07/ 2012
You know where you want to get to and beyond the obstacles is the most amazing expanse of space. As well as needing to overcome the obstacles, you may feel caught between wanting to find the peace and needing to win. Realise that your own interests are intimately tied in with those of others and you may be more comfortable with giving unconditionally. Win so you can help others. Master your emotions and cultivate diplomacy, patience and understanding. Be aware “winning” can sometimes be losing.
Numerology for 27/ 07/ 2012
You may feel you are always making decisions for others, but your most important decisions are about you and your real needs and wants. Be honest with yourself and don’t agonise over decisions.
Watch out for illusions. See life as an experience not a sacrifice. Learn to let go.
Numerology for 26/ 07/ 2012
Watch out for illusions and take a rest from being who others think you are, truly be yourself and find your truth again. Your desire to do better can make you your own worst enemy. Strive to achieve success without sacrificing faith and love. Accept change and responsibility. You have the power and talent to understand what makes you and others tick.
Numerology for 25/ 07/ 2012
Today you may be feeling very unsettled, wanting to travel and make your dreams a reality. Your idealism may be a bit ahead of your reality and your dreams may seem difficult to realise, but don’t give up on them and learn to be patient. With your feet firmly on the ground reach for the stars, but try to concentrate more on being here in the current moment rather than there in your dreams. Your thoughts and actions this minute now are what determine your future.
Numerology for 24/ 07/ 2012
You can get easily bored and your desires may not carry you as far as you think. Try not to attract too much attention to yourself – you do not have to prove your worth to anyone. Try to be more self reliant and progress slowly, one step at a time, taking each event as it comes. Rather than the environment determining your actions – try to put yourself in the driving seat.
Numerology for 23/ 07/ 2012
Instead of trying to solve everyone else’s problems focus on your own, you can only help others when you have it together yourself. Let go of the excess baggage. Demonstrate and communicate your wisdom in your actions as well as your words.
Numerology for 22/ 07/ 2012
You may have difficulties keeping things on an even keel, but you never consider giving up. You can feel too responsible for the happiness of others and too passionate about the big projects you are involved with. Try to bring more structure and stability. Learn to empty yourself out and take time to recharge, rather than feeling emptied out by all that is going on around you.