
‘Every Day In Terms of Numerology’ posted on my Blog, Instagram, Facebook & X (or Twitter)

‘I’ve been reading your ‘Facebook Dailys’ – Wow just Wow – do some of those hit home x’ TW

“Ever since I went to a fair at The King’s Hall, Herne Bay s few years ago where you did a mini workshop. I’ve enjoyed reading your daily forecasts! You also post some awesome photos!” HN

“I have been back reading this week’s numerology posts and they could have been written just for me. I have made decisions this week which have been tough for me regarding friendships but I felt they were necessary to resolve some unresolved long standing issues. Your posts resonated with me so much. Thank you.” Tunbridge Wells

“I am in tune with my intuition and your daily posts are in tune with this too. Because of this I recommend you as a numerologist”. MLW, London

“Thanks you brilliant readings blessings enjoy your day Jane x”. PW, Barnsley

“I love your posts Jane. They are always so relevant too. Thank you for sharing freely and consistently xx”. AWE, Chester

“Hi Jane your daily forecasts are so accurate & are helping a dear friend of mine who has been going through some difficult times ….. Many thanks for your remarkable posts”. LN, Kent

“Jane I love your posts !! I’ve just read your numerology post for today and wow I can relate to the majority of it. So just wanted to say a BIG thank you xxx.”  CP, Kent