Numerology for 30/ 09/ 2023

If things are not going according to your plans, try to avoid frustration by going with the flow. Try to see things as others do, ideally remaining creative and inspired. You may want to be somewhere else but your ability to endure with tolerance and see things through may be important today. So, focus your energies on where you are now, taking responsibility for the little things and try to put your own house in order. You may be regarded as an expert in your field, but you are not always right, so try to watch and learn without sulking.

Numerology for 29/ 09/ 2023

Maintaining stability may feel like an ongoing battle. Wherever you go and whatever you do uncertainty and instability may seem to swirl around you and you may feel very unsettled. You may have a great sense of duty towards others, but you may also be a perfectionist and you may not realise how impractical and idealistic some of your ideas may seem to others. Trust your inner voice and get a grip on your intense sensitivity. Try not to be driven by a fear of failure or rejection, instead recognise that repressed emotions may be reflecting back to you, in your environment. Rather than push down your feelings, unlock your emotions at a deep level. Take the reins without floundering or getting side-tracked. Embrace change and there is the potential of a breakthrough and a turning point, as you potentially start to let go of all you no longer need to carry.

Numerology for 28/ 09/ 2023

The courage to be yourself and to do things in your own way may be important to you, but at the same time there may be a massive struggle to be independent and self-confident. Also, while you can be manipulative and ruthless about getting what you want, there may be a lot of emotion that you find difficult to express and a side to you that truly wants to take care of others. Despite the contradictions, today you may want to get to the bottom of things, finding your truth and as much as possible, staying true to who you are. Out of the blue you may feel connected to spirit and your true authentic self, this could help you greatly with breaking through on your terms.

Numerology for 27/ 09/ 2023

You may be a perfectionist who is plagued by doubts and insecurities. You may be expecting too much of yourself and may be focussed on trying to make everything right on the outside. You may do well to examine how your career is shaping your nature. You may be determined to look after everyone – but you may also be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone, and it may be time to let go of all that no longer serves you. Go with the flow and be open also to the great potential of synchronicity and intuition to transform things. Acknowledge just how sensitive and exhausted you may be and give yourself space to express your great creativity. Happiness is there for you if you can be open to new thinking and allow yourself to connect with the bigger picture.

Numerology for 26/ 09/ 2023

You may believe that practice makes perfect, and you may like everything to be done ‘properly’. Today however you may feel pushed into new territory. You may recognise a great opportunity to achieve success through your creativity and communication skills, but you may also feel you will only succeed through your own efforts. You may be ruthless about getting what you want and may have to decide ‘do I sink or swim’. If so, it may be time to trust your inner knowledge, your truth and that ideally that you are doing what you love to do. There may be lots of emotion, but still make your plan and try to stick with it. Great creativity and innovation could result, but rather than analyse and focus on detail, you may have to connect with the bigger picture and go for it …

Numerology for 25/ 09/ 2023

You may feel everything around you is being stirred up at the deepest level, so much so that you may feel you have no choice, but to just let things happen. It may be key that you listen to others and keep you words clear and simple. Focus also, as much as possible on qualities within you that do not change and may become stronger. You may be very goal orientated and determined, you may be a very impatient perfectionist, determined to stay one step ahead and be seen as ‘in charge’. You may want things ‘done right’ and this can make you sharp and critical. Remember that words can hurt worse than blows, so above all, try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you and find the courage to remain true to who your truly are …

Numerology for 24/ 09/ 2023

You may want a harmonious home and may care a bit too much about everyone else’s happiness. There may be obstacles and, you can be ruthless about getting what you want. You may be very ambitious and there may be lots of emotion. Time away doing something else may help you to look at things differently. If time away isn’t possible, give yourself a break with time and space to focus more on your inner world = find peace within and this will surround you …

Numerology for 23/ 09/ 2023

You may feel a need to break through – to truly be yourself and to speak your truth, but you may need time and space away from the drama to reconnect with this first. You may have an imagination that runs riot and may like being the centre of attention, both can distract you from looking within. If you don’t feel inspired spend time reflecting on what is working for you and what is holding you back. What matters is that despite the restrictions you are not defeated in your heart and that you continue to believe you can push through. Your restrictions may of course be in your way of thinking, so despite the great emotion that may come up, try to forgive, and forget. Take more dynamic action also, focussing on the job at hand and spending no time comparing yourself with others, feeling that you don’t measure up and that you are not good enough. Whatever you decide to do, looking within in order to prepare, may be key.

Numerology for 22/ 09/ 2023

Try not to hide your warm sensitive heart behind such a forbidding exterior. Give yourself time to dream and recharge, despite your fears. You may want to start lots of new projects, but there may be obstacles and others may be trying to impose their thinking on you. There may be disappointment and you may be being told to ‘get real’.  You may want to withdraw for protection but hold on to what remains true to you in your heart. You don’t have be right all the time and you don’t have to be in charge, for everything to work out. You may have to be patient and focussed, and this may be extremely uncomfortable for you, but there is the potential for a breakthrough if you can stand back from the situation and look at things differently. Doors are opening – this isn’t a punishment, and it may be preparation!

Numerology for 21/ 09/ 2023

You may feel very unsettled and with so much to do, you may feel you need a holiday. There may be lots of emotion and frustration, your energies may feel very scattered. It is important you stay confident and strong. Believe in your talents, your different way of doing things is your gift to the world. No more hiding behind gadgets, work, and status. No more confusion and manipulation, take time to find your centre and make plans again. Time to find your treasure within.