Numerology for 06/ 02/ 2025

You may have a lot to say and may be very insightful with your words, but still take the time to truly listen to others and allow yourself to be guided. Use your natural inner strengths to follow your heart and focus on what you love to do. You may have a flair for business, especially when you love your work. You may want to maintain your popularity, but no one can ‘make others happy’. Make space for creativity and spirituality and you may find that when you are happy, miraculously everyone else is happy. This may help you to see past the illusions and the games people play, and you may be more able to focus on the ‘here and now’. Whatever you decide to do, try to live up to the great faith others may place in you, ensuring your words are considered and that you follow through with action that is positive and well directed. Be aware that wanting popularity and the approval of others can mean you give your power away. 

Numerology for 05/ 02/ 2025

You may feel extremely sensitive, so much so that you may want time on your own, away from the drama to go into the quiet. You may feel very unsettled, wanting security and stability, but needing freedom. You may take on too much, especially if you know you could do a better job than others and so volunteer. You may benefit greatly from establishing boundaries, especially today. Going into the quiet, may help you to transform things, giving yourself space to look at things from a different perspective and giving others greater opportunity to be heard.

Numerology for 04/ 02/ 2025

You don’t always need to follow others, and you don’t always need to put things off, now may be the time to inspire yourself and others through your great creativity. You may want to help others, but this has to be in your own unique way and while no one doubts your considerable energy and sincerity, you may have difficulty expressing the depth of your feelings. Also, your eccentricities, though charming can irritate others, as your way of doing things may not make sense to anyone else. This may mean you continue to spread the light, the love and the wisdom you just drop the martyrdom. You may also have to learn to laugh at yourself, while getting some things straightened out on the inside.

Numerology for 03/ 02/ 2025

You may be judging others from afar and may be feeling you are not good enough. You may also be feeling very unsettled, wanting security and stability, but needing freedom. There may be a great deal of emotion involved with getting every detail right and this may result in procrastination. It may be time for new thinking as well as will power. It may help to just focus on holding up your end of the deal, in your own way, in your own time, just being yourself. Acknowledge also that you are not going to make everyone happy and don’t be frightened of your feelings. We all have to face up to our responsibilities sooner or later, just try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you in the process.

Numerology for 02/ 02/ 2025

You may want to come across as polished, sophisticated, and classy, attracting big projects. You may however also feel overwhelmed and not know where to start. If so, working with the right people could help you greatly, but be aware, you may also be easily influenced and impatient, potentially placing your confidence with the wrong people. You may be keeping your feelings hidden and it may be key that you step away from the drama to try and look at things differently. Give yourself space and time to trust your instincts and inner voice. Rather than put energy into pushing your feelings down, try to see your great sensitivity as the great strength it is. Don’t be too dependent on others opinion of you. Find the courage to be yourself, don’t feel you have to please or entertain. Just find yourself again and be your true authentic self.

Numerology for 01/ 02/ 2025

You have great will power and can be impatient. You like things to be done ‘properly’ so letting things unfold naturally can be difficult for you. You may always be pushing yourself, when giving yourself a break and space to think in new ways, may be the way forward. So, let others help you and together you can explore new ideas and ways forward, it doesn’t have to be you against the world.

Numerology for 31/ 01/ 2025

You may want to be seen and heard and may have a relentless determination to shake things up at a profound level, to bring about change. If so, try to be more realistic and not so dependant on what others think. Actions can sometimes speak louder than words and you may feel it is down to you to persevere. Working with others may help you to get past comparing yourself to others, perhaps feeling you don’t measure up and that you are not good enough. Don’t hide away but stay focussed on your goals. Let go of the past and all that no longer serves you., make room and prepare for new opportunities on their way …

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.

Numerology for 30/ 01/ 2025

You may feel overwhelmed and your plans to take charge, may initially leave you feeling disappointed. However, the resulting break, may help you look at things differently and may remind you how important it is to love what you do. Take time to stand back from things, look from a new perspective and something may be deeply understood. By making your new ideas clear, you may be able to start building something new from scratch. Your image isn’t everything and it may be important that you let others know what you really want, always remember also that necessity is the mother of invention.

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.

Numerology for 29/ 01/ 2025

You may be very determined and amazingly creative, especially with ideas, but you can also be easily distracted and there may be lots of emotion. You may feel pulled in different directions and there may be a fear of failure. To make your ideas real you need to stay focussed rather than scattered. Shine for others but don’t always insist that you can do without and learn to open-up about what you want. There will never be the perfect time so, give yourself time and space to recover and to be yourself again. You may have to toughen up and believe in yourself. Use your true feelings to see clearly in all situations.

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.

Numerology for 28/ 01/ 2025

You can be gutsy, strong-willed, and driven – so keep hold of the tiger’s tail!! The courage to be truly independent may be a big part of who you are but try to cultivate patience and be realistic about your capabilities. Try to stay focussed on one step at a time and what needs to be done, but at the same time give yourself space to think in new ways. See your sensitivity as a strength, recognise you have a choice in how you respond every moment. Get past your fear of failure, by staying focussed on emotional control. Maintain your individuality and goals in in spite of the endless changes and there is the potential for a breakthrough.