Numerology for 11/ 11/ 2013

You may feel visionary, idealistic and inspirational today, but may have great difficulty expressing all that you want to and there may be a great fear of failure. Try not to put energy into pushing your feelings down, as this may result in frustration and inaction. Don’t push yourself too hard and allow yourself time to rest. Spending time on your own, getting to know yourself at the deepest level and finding the courage to truly be yourself, may help you greatly today.

Numerology for 10/ 11/ 2013

You may feel a need to retreat into your cocoon today- try to be flexible and sensitive to the difficulties this can create for others. When you feel ready, come out of yourself, share your endless searching and magical transformations, don’t be afraid to shine. Find the courage to be yourself and you will know what you are here to do.

Numerology for 09/ 11/ 2013

You can be intense and love to living ‘close to the edge’- discovering the new. You can be visionary, idealistic and inspirational, when you are not to spending too much energy getting frustrated by others. You can get completely caught up in the excitement of what you are doing now and need to ensure that your energies are directed in a constructive and productive way, so watch out for illusions.

Numerology for 08/ 11/ 2013

Freedom to be yourself and do things in your way, despite the limitations may be important to you today and you may have to go with the flow despite your plans. Learn to temper your intensity and relax. Try to indulge in simple interests and reduce some of the complexity in your life. Don’t dismiss the mundane out of hand, much can be learned from everyday life. As ancient Zen proverb states “Before enlightenment chop wood. After enlightenment, chop wood”. Reconnect with your feelings, ground yourself and then let life come crowding in…

Numerology for 07/ 11/ 2013

Allow today to feel like a new adventure, a time to explore and discover. A time to perhaps to take things apart and put things back together in a new way. See your obstacles as stepping stones and try not to get stuck. Go with your unconventional thinking and see where it takes you. Heal yourself and you will be able to heal others. Find the harmony within and it will surround you …

Numerology for 06/ 11/ 2013

With your flair for business and your confidence, try to focus on working with others to make your ideals real. You have lots to say and need to love what you do. Your enthusiasm springs from a very deep place and you have a profound belief in your abilities. There is a danger that you can be over confident and your surfeit of energy can have a depressing effect on others, particularly the more ‘realistic’ types. This may be difficult for you to understand, but you have ideas you need to make happen and if you push on through you may just find true freedom, despite the imitations. Let go of the past. Have faith in yourself and in the universe.

Numerology for 05/ 11/ 2013

Through the spiritual you have the potential to heal and to inspire others as well as yourself. You have obstacles to overcome and may want to focus on what is real and in front of you. Remaining grounded and using common sense may seem to you, the best way to help yourself and others. You may want to keep things simple, but recognise you need to face things and in digging deeper there may be a breakthrough – some kind of transformation or rebirth.

Numerology for 04/ 11/ 2013

You can be a master of breaching defences and piercing the thickest armour. You can mother others with great emotion, but you may help yourself and others more if you adopt a more neutral stance. Try to be truly independent, you can help others more when you have it together yourself and you will see more of what is happening, from a distance.

Numerology for 03/ 11/ 2013

You can be a fighter with stamina and endurance, you are also highly competitive and you know how to wait. When things are going well, you can be extremely entertaining, when things are not going so well you can clam up. Be aware that your need to win can cost you dearly. Beware of planning and then getting frustrated by inaction, don’t waste time looking for approval. Learn to let go.

Numerology for 02/ 11/ 2013

Transformation may be on your mind today and there may be a lot going on in your head that may be difficult to share. Trying to sort it all out with plans in your head, may lead to inaction and frustration, especially if you are frightened of failure. Change on the outside has to start with change on the inside. So, start with your heart and how best you can help others and the way forward may come much clearer. Change for changes sake is not always a good idea, so listen carefully to the wishes of others also.