Numerology for 01/ 01/ 2015

You may find yourself in new territory and thinking in new ways. Stay positive and there is the potential for creativity and inspiration. Connect with your feelings even though you may have difficulty expressing them. Be sure of what you want before you express your wishes and above all find the courage to truly be yourself.

2014 & 2015

The challenge throughout 2014 has been collectively to deal with great sensitivity and to bring heart mind and feelings together. 25/ 7 in Numerology represents a birth in consciousness and can mean the potential to learn from all that had gone before and to make the journey from the head to the heart.
The challenge in 2015 may be to collectively face any misuse of power and knowledge as 26/ 8 in Numerology represents Lord Karma. The 8 in Numerology is about the potential to change patterns and mindsets that will otherwise go on forever, to dig deep and to bring to the surface what needs to be faced so it can be dealt with. 26/ 8 can represent the ‘kick up the bum’ that is needed to deal with things, so this may be an intense and interesting year.