Numerology for 11/ 08/ 2016

You have the courage to stand alone and to get to the truth – you have the potential to inspire others to think in new ways, but a big part of this is you thinking in new ways. Remember the importance of small acts of personal kindness. You learn from all that is going on around you, you want your views to be heard, but as well as teaching, truth can hurt. Try to go with the flow, without getting frustrated if things don’t go according to plan. Don’t be afraid to show just how sensitive you are and to open yourself to the spiritual.

Numerology for 10/ 08/ 2016

Acknowledge how sensitive you are but try to stay detached as a massive re-evaluation may be required. You may be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone and you may have to re-evaluate how best to help others. While acknowledging how sensitive you are, try to see things as others do and learn from what’s happening around you. Take time to reflect, rather than responding as you always have done. Try not to take things personally, but see the bigger picture. You may very much want harmony all around you today, but this has to begin with harmony on the inside. So listen to your inner voice as well as all that is happening around you, put yourself in the driving seat as much as possible and try not to be dependent on the approval of others, as this is giving your power away.

Numerology for 09/ 08/ 2016

You may be determined to get to the bottom of things and you can generate a great deal, especially with your words and your creativity. You can be quite unstoppable, but working in more subtle ways and trusting your intuition may be far more effective. Learn to listen carefully. What you believe to be true for the welfare of others may not always be for the best. Perhaps focus on building your inner temple rather than focus on the actions of others.

Numerology for 08/ 08/ 2016

You want recognition and may be impatient for this you may also feel a need to travel. Try not to attach too much emotion to your ideas not developing as you had planned. Take time out to go into the quiet and trust the silent message of your Soul. Relax, remain adaptable and flexible. Above all listen to your inner voice and to others, perhaps think outside the box and make your goals more realistic, just don’t get stuck and don’t give up ….

Numerology for 07/ 08/ 2016

Despite your plans and great will power, you may have to be flexible today and you may feel very unsettled. You have the ideas but with so much change whirling around, you may doubt yourself. Be open to new ways of thinking, while focussing on what is practical and viable. Talk to others and co-operative ventures may emerge, with help coming from unexpected places.

Numerology for 06/ 08/ 2016

Making your ideas a reality may be important to you, but you may doubt yourself and you may feel very unsettled, wanting security and stability as well as the freedom to pursue your ideas. Choose your words carefully today, the right word at the right time may make a huge difference. If faced with the need to compromise, try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you. Know that with the right frame of mind you will be able to find freedom despite the limitations, but listening to others and seeing things as they do is important too.

Numerology for 05/ 08/ 2016

You carry out your decisions with planning, great resolve and determination. You display great emotional control, staying cool and unflappable, but you may be sitting on a volcano. Learn to value kindness and to express your feelings in a constructive way. If you love what you do, there is the potential to turn things around.  Let go of the past and be grateful to obstacles they help you to connect with others and can present great opportunities for growth and change.

Numerology for 04/ 08/ 2016

You may be impatient to do things in your own way today and may take the decision to speak your truth rather than say what others want to hear. Try to be tactful when you do this and try to channel your rebelliousness in a positive direction. Being considerate of others, may also mean you are less likely to be ignored.

Numerology for 03/ 08/ 2016

You have your plans and the potential to inspire others, but you have to learn to master your emotions and stay focussed. You want to bring about change and at times it may feel as though people and emotion are getting in the way. You may hate the mundane and may dream of another life, but be grateful to the mundane, it keeps you grounded, connected to others and focussed on what’s viable as well as focussed on one step at a time. So, with both feet firmly on the ground, reach for the stars but with a more practical and realistic perspective.

Numerology for 02/ 08/ 2016

Find the courage to be yourself today, trust your inner voice, not just what you hear on the outside. There may be a struggle to be independent and self confident but getting to the bottom of things may be important to you today.  You want to get to the truth, but try not to lose your sensitive side and learn to accept the help of others.