Numerology for 11/ 05/ 2018

You always like to be one step ahead, but may feel stuck in emotion. Instead of trying to work out why, perhaps focus on doing what feels right, accepting change and responsibility. You may feel extremely sensitive and fragile so it is important to try not to take anything personally. Try to engage with the bigger picture and to think in terms of helping others.  You have great breadth of vision and know you have important things to say.  Be patient with yourself and make sure those who support you know just how much they are appreciated.

Numerology for 10/ 05/ 2018

You may have an important decision to make and may feel everything is coming up to be dealt with at once. You may feel on your own with regard to this, but go into the quiet and you will know you are not. You don’t have to figure it all out yourself, go into the quiet and you will know when to go forward and when to retreat. You have an amazing flair for business as long as you love what you do, so stay positive and try to connect with this again. Let of go the past and focus on moving forward. Know transformation is possible if you can stay the course, remaining open to sensible advice and not taking anything personally. Be sensitive and kind to yourself and others along the way too.

Numerology for 09/ 05/ 2018

You may be determined to get your message across, through your actions as well as your words. So, let up a bit on the intensity of your judgements and try to see things from the point of view of others. Try to be patient and consider your words carefully. You have great determination and a powerful intellect, but you may find you achieve more just focusing on the essentials of what you want to achieve and by allowing more time for co-operation and laughter. Peace and harmony can sometimes be more important than being right.

Numerology for 08/ 05/ 2018

You may see beyond the obstacles right in front of you and you may want to shake things up at every level to bring about change. You may have to take the decision to be realistic about the best way forward and to keep things simple. You have great will power but may struggle to keep a lid on your emotions and for your true voice to be heard. Others may be trying to impose their way of doing things on you, as well as their fears, so try to lighten up and focus on now. Try to master your emotions and put yourself in the driving seat, it is important you continue to believe you will get to where you want to be. Occasionally showing weakness and vulnerability is important as it connects you with others in a whole new way. Going into the silence may help as there may be a need for lots of re-evaluation as well as a need to feel free to find your true voice again … Above all, dedicate everything to the highest good and believe you can turn things around, not just for yourself, but to show others it can be done.

Numerology for 07/ 05/ 2018

You may feel you are pushing down lots of emotion to focus on making your plans a reality. Step back, recognise how much you have already done and take a rest. Let up on your demands, today is a good day for co-operative ventures, communication of all kinds and above all fun. Accept yourself as you are and be kind to yourself. You may be extremely open to emotion and soul today and this can be very positive. Changing how you view things can change everything …

Numerology for 06/ 05/ 2018

You may feel totally inspired with lots of ideas you want to share with everyone. You may feel pulled in different directions as a result and may ultimately find it’s about the journey from the head to the heart. Try not to be too explosive and focus on keeping a handle on your emotions, while putting your own house in order. Everything evolves in cycles and you always have a choice, but you should always try to be sensitive to the feelings of others.

Numerology for 05/ 05/ 2018

Make the decision to break through some barriers and find the courage to do things in new ways. There may be an emotional intensity that is difficult for others to handle. Perhaps leave those around you for a while and step away from the drama. Focus on making your plans a reality as well as dealing with the true reason for all the emotion coming up. Stay positive and try to develop your creativity and inspiration. Let others come to their own conclusions.

Numerology for 04/ 05/ 2018

You may be inspired to think in new ways today and letting go with love may be easier than you might have imagined. Have faith in yourself and the universe, also in the abilities of those who are dependent on you and try not to be too impatient. Acknowledge how sensitive you are and remember laughter joy. Relationships may be very important today and maintaining good relations can sometimes be more important than being right.

Numerology for 03/ 05/ 2018

You can be a hard headed practical thinker and with your wit you can strike hard and deep. You can also be sentimental and reflective. You may feel pushed into new territory, but with your planning and great emotional control you may have the opportunity to bring in new thinking with regard to the correct use of power. Use your determination, creativity and communication skills wisely and you have the potential to teach others a great deal. Just remember to put as much energy into personal relationships as you do the big schemes.

Numerology for 02/ 05/ 2018

You can be a fast mover, always one step ahead and you can sometimes be quite abrasive, but today, may be a day when tact and diplomacy will benefit you more. You can be very good at hiding just how sensitive you are and you can also be very secretive. You may holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone and as well as thinking in new ways, you may have to accept change and responsibility, going with the flow far more than you would like. Focus on inner transformation and finding the treasure within, trust the silent message of your soul, it may take you to where you want to be. Relax and be happy.