Numerology for 10/ 09/ 2021

Finding a balance between work and home responsibilities may be a major preoccupation for you today and there may be a struggle to be independent and self-confident. Despite being very single minded and wanting to be seen as in charge, you may feel frustrated and pulled in different directions. If you want peace and harmony to prevail it may be important that you truly listen, keeping your words clear and simple. You may have a great sense of duty towards others as well as your own private goals and may have to trust that life will move you where you are needed.

Numerology for 09/ 09/ 2021

It may be important that you acknowledge just how sensitive you are and try not to make things too complicated. You may have lots of ideas, as well as lots of emotion that you find difficult to express. Your ideas may also be impractical, as you may be holding onto a structure that has gone. It may be key that you make time for reflection and try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you. Worry and fear can eat you up if you let it and life’s too short. So, despite the complications recognise what will make you happy and go for it. Recognise your gift in amongst all of this. Allow your words to become blazing pathfinders, potentially uplifting yourself and others and leading the way.  

Numerology for 08/ 09/ 2021

You may want to transform things and may feel pushed into new territory as a result. It may be key that in your response you remain true to your beliefs, (examining your values and taking responsibility for the effects of your resulting actions on others). Rather than hide these, let others breathe a bit and don’t push too hard. It is important you see things as others do and that you try to maintain emotional control, as well as flexibility and breadth of vision. Living your truth may be important to you, if so strive to be yourself as much as possible, expressing your great sensitivity and listening to others, no matter what. Try to be grateful to the obstacles, they mean you are moving forward, can keep you grounded, focussed and connected to others. The friendships that can be forged when you come out the other side can be your greatest treasure.   

Numerology for 07/ 09/ 2021

You will not give up until you achieve what you have set out to achieve and this battle can captivate you. There may be great frustration, as you may feel pulled in different directions. Finding your unique voice, expressing your heart and unique way of looking at things may be key to you getting past this. Try also to work with others more, it doesn’t have to be you against the world … There is no easy way to achieve all that you what to so make the best of where you are, stay inspired and connected to the bigger picture … It’s about the journey not the destination …

Numerology for 06/ 09/ 2021

You can be very sensitive, but also inspired with creative ideas. It may be time to stop putting others first and realise this may be a way for you to avoid dealing with life. It may be time to find your inner strength and sense of worth. Be aware also that self-fulfilling prophecies of all kinds have great power in your life and the lives of others. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative, you don’t always have to be the best, despite your scepticism try going with the flow, making the best of where the wind takes you … Ideally make time and space for your great creativity to come through …

Numerology for 05/ 09/ 2021

You may have lots of ideas that you want to make real, but you may have to be patient. Getting what you want is not always just a matter of pushing through while talking the talk. You also need to direct your talents towards something you believe in, something that is practical and viable. Perhaps look within, rather than focus so much of your energy on making changes on the outside. Stay positive, determine to get your message across and to finish what you’ve started, even if this means focusing just on the essentials. Along the way, get to know yourself better, like yourself more and take responsibility for your actions.

Numerology for 04/ 09/ 2021

You may want to transform things, not just for yourself, but for others and although your focus may be structure, organisation, security and stability, you may find endurance and emotional control are also required. If so, try not to be sceptical, know there can be great strength also in gentleness, kindness and diplomacy.

Numerology for 03/ 09/ 2021

There may be a letting go at some point today, as you may feel pushed into action and may come to realise your heart has to be in whatever it is you are doing. You may also realise how important it is to see things as others do and to be more open with others about your methods and motives. Co-operative ventures could help you greatly today, especially if you are feeling pushed out of your comfort zone. Sharing your ideas with others may help you overcome any self-doubt. Take responsibility for your actions and there is the possibility of realising your hopes.

Numerology for 02/ 09/ 2021

Today, you just want to get the job done, but at the same time, although you may have great ideas you may doubt yourself. You may not respond well to criticism or having to change course. Keep everything inside and you may feel weighed down with a sense of hopelessness. Take a risk and share your feelings and affection with others, ideally use your true feelings to see clearly in all situations. Learn to stay focused and to say ‘no’, to ensure there is time and space for what you want to do. Go with the flow, face your fears rather than get caught up in a fear of failure. Inspire yourself to think in new ways and you will be able to inspire others.

Numerology for 01/ 09/ 2021

You can be tough and practical as well as charming, with a straightforward and direct approach. You don’t fool around when it comes to your work and you may resent any attempt to make light of your efforts. While there may have been a struggle to be truly independent and self-confident, try to maintain your breadth of vision and listen to others. You may be a survivor, but don’t push your luck. It may feel like ‘make or break’ but there are times when you may have to quit and walk away. Try to keep things simple and practical, if something is right for your life it will happen when the time is right.