Numerology for 11/ 11/ 2021

You may feel visionary, idealistic and inspirational, wanting to inspire everyone to think in new ways. But may find it’s through heart-to-heart dialogue that your communications are most effective. This may require you listen to your inner voice as well as your powerful intellect. Expressing emotion may be very difficult for you, but don’t be afraid to dive into (and perhaps drown) in your emotions, the resulting wisdom may provide you with some great insights that help many. Don’t underestimate either how much can be communicated by your actions and responses. So, try not to put energy into frustration and pushing your feelings down. Focus also on being practical and grounded, as well as creative. Don’t push yourself too hard and allow yourself adequate rest along the way. You can only get it right by getting it wrong.

Numerology for 10/ 11/ 2021

You may feel a need to retreat into your cocoon today – if you do try to be flexible and sensitive to the difficulties this can create for others. Follow through on your responsibilities, doing what needs to be done. In the process of ‘finding yourself’ stay positive, creative and inspired, then when you feel ready don’t be afraid to shine and share. Let profound change happen, by inspiring yourself to think in new ways everything can change.

Numerology for 09/ 11/ 2021

You can be intense and may love living ‘close to the edge’ ideally one step ahead, learning from all that is happening around you – always discovering the new. You can be visionary, idealistic and inspirational, when you stay focussed and don’t put energy into feelings of frustration. You can also get completely caught up in the excitement of what you are doing and need to ensure that your energies are directed in a constructive and productive way. Rather than simply respond to the environment it may help you to listen to your inner voice and try to ensure your goals are positive and realistic.

Numerology for 08/ 11/ 2021

You may be determined to bring in new thinking but may have to lighten up and focus on the mundane as well. If so, master your emotions and perhaps focus on inner transformation. Watch your tongue along the way and try not to put energy into feelings of frustration, instead try to see things as others do and listen with compassion. Trust you are where you need to be, stay inspired and open to new way of thinking. 

Numerology for 07/ 11/ 2021

Think outside the box and today could feel like a new adventure, a time to explore, discover and to heal. Perhaps go with your unconventional thinking and see where it takes you. Heal yourself and you may be able to heal others. At the very least you may discover how new thinking can transform everything.

Numerology for 06/ 11/ 2021

Feel passion for your work and big projects may result. Let go of the past, have faith in yourself and the universe, allow your great creativity to push through with new ideas and new solutions. Your enthusiasm may spring from a very deep place and you may have a profound belief in your abilities, but be aware there is a danger that you can be over confident and your surfeit of energy can have a depressing effect on others, particularly the more ‘realistic’ types. This may be difficult for you to understand, as you have ideas you need to make happen and although working with others may be a challenge, it may be the best way forward. You may have to let go of the perfection, to focus on what you love, but by doing this with respect for yourself and others, you may find that everything falls into place.

Numerology for 05/ 11/ 2021

You may feel pushed into action but may find new thinking and new ways of communicating as a result.   Keep your words clear and simple, truly listen to others and there may be the potential to inspire yourself and others to think in new ways. Despite feeling sensitive, fragile and outside of your comfort zone, now might be the time to start connecting more to the wisdom that comes from your feelings and emotions. Try also to stand back from things, letting go as much as possible of all that is unproductive, making space for the wisdoms to come through …

Numerology for 04/ 11/ 2021

You can be a master of breaching defences and piercing the thickest armour, especially if you stay positive and patient. Most days this may help you greatly, but today you need to listen as well as speak, ideally exercising great emotional control as you adopt a more neutral and detached stance. While you may want to inspire others to think in new ways and may be ablaze with new ideas, you cannot impose your beliefs on others and will have to work within the realms of reality. There may be such a lot that goes on in your head that you may have difficulty focussing on the present and relating to other. If so, try to be more patient and trust others more. Stop trying to separate yourself from others and don’t take yourself so seriously.

Numerology for 03/ 11/ 2021

You can be a fighter with stamina and endurance, you can also be highly competitive and you know how to wait. When things are going well, you can be extremely entertaining, when things are not going so well you can clam up. Be aware that your need to win can cost you dearly. Beware of planning and then getting frustrated by inaction. Try to be more flexible and don’t waste time comparing yourself with others, feeling you don’t measure up and that you are not good enough. Push through barriers to be yourself but take others with you as much as possible. Try to see the funny side of things laughing at yourself and the world occasionally too.

Numerology for 02/ 11/ 2021

Big projects and transformation may be on your mind today and you may find embracing change brings up lots of emotion, as well as resistance. Trying to sort it all out in your head can mean re-evaluating and learning from all that has gone before, ideally connecting to the much bigger picture. This may lead to some scepticism and frustration, as well as emotion and at times despair. Detachment may be key if you are to learn to stand back and let go with love all that no longer serves you. Bear in mind also that change for changes sake is not always a good idea, but sharing your ideas with others and seeing things as others do is always a great idea, especially if you are to shine, rather than remain scattered and overwhelmed …