Numerology for 27/ 07/ 2024

You may insist on your way of doing things, while also recognising change and new thinking is needed. To resolve this, it may be time to listen to others while you stand back and let things happen. Go into the quiet and take time to reflect on how best to simplify things and how best to get your message across. Your great sensitivity may feel like a burden, but it is one of your greatest strengths, so trust your intuition and try not to put so much energy into procrastination. Be honest about your real needs and try not to agonise over decisions to be made. You cannot impose your beliefs on others and there will never be a perfect time for action, it is your intention that matters, and change can be good.

Numerology for 26/ 07/ 2024

You can be devoted to your cause and have great ‘staying power’ as well as a strong personality. You may care deeply for others, but you are not going to be able to save everyone. You may want to stir things up at the deepest level to bring about change but may have to go with the flow more than you would like. You may be ruthlessly practical and direct in your communications but may find it more effective to give yourself and others a break. Try to connect with a bigger picture and look at things from a new perspective. Cultivating patience and humility within yourself, will allow others to do the same and more meaningful. productive communication may result, with freedom potentially being found despite the seeming limitations.

Numerology for 25/ 07/ 2024

There may be a great deal of emotion that you keep silent about, and your idealism may be a bit ahead of your reality. Your dreams may seem difficult to realise, but don’t give up on them, go into the quiet to find the message. Others may be trying to impose their way of thinking on you and while it is important you listen, especially if the guidance is practical. Be proud of your creative ideas but also recognise the danger of self-sabotage if you spend any time comparing yourself with others, feeling you don’t measure up and you are not good enough. Instead find your truth again and let others help you decide if your ideas are viable or practical. Try to feel grateful to the obstacles, they keep you grounded, focussed and connected to others, they also mean you are moving forward. Stay positive and learn to be patient, as well as practical and organised. You can then choose to freeze or flourish, be in the moment or in your dreams, focused on your next step or stuck.  

Numerology for 24/ 07/ 2024

Despite your focus on practical perpetual service, with perfect harmony, you can get easily bored, especially when things are not happening as quickly as you would like, and others are trying to impose their way of thinking on you. If so, try to keep your considerable energies positive and be patient, take each event as it comes. You may have a relentless determination to build something solid, but you may also have lots of emotion you find difficult to express and you may be very impatient. It may be important you make time to reflect and find your inner balance before striving out on your own. If you are ambitious, there may be disappointment, but try to be grateful also to the obstacles, they keep you grounded, focused, and connected to others, they also mean you are moving forward. Perhaps give yourself and those around you a break. Take time to listen to others, their ideas may encourage you to work with others more and to be creative in new ways.

Numerology for 23/ 07/ 2024

You may feel exhausted, trying to solve everyone else’s problems. Your unconventional thinking may be helping others but make time to listen to your inner voice too and focus on finding peace with your own problems. There may be a side to you that doesn’t want to deal with all the emotion that may be coming up. You may either want to stay on the surface, impatiently looking for easy solutions or you may be focussed on every detail of your plan. Either way you may be procrastinating, and it may be time to realise your great inner strength, by focussing on the essentials and letting go of the illusions. Give yourself space and trust your inner voice. It may be time to take the plunge, and going with some of your ideas … A breakthrough could result …

Numerology for 22/ 07/ 2024

You may have difficulty keeping things on an even keel today and may have to ‘get real’ but try to ensure you still find the courage to truly be yourself. You can feel too passionate about the big projects you are involved with, and this may bring up lots of emotion. You may be very impatient and as a result may be easily influenced and there is a danger you may place your confidence with the wrong people. So, instead of looking for quick and easy solutions, try to bring more structure and stability into your life, develop persistence, patience, and decisiveness. Continue to push through into new territory just without becoming attached to drama and crises, focus instead on using your great versatility to help you to turn things around

Numerology for 21/ 07/ 2024

You may feel a storm brewing around you and may know that to take the next step forward you must believe in yourself. This may be a challenge, but you may also know that that courage and confidence can only come from taking, action. So, stay focussed on your goals and positive, even though you may feel exhausted. You may be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone and may have to go with the flow more than you would like. If so, it may be key that you find your centre and strengthen this. Also, conserve your energy and try not to be so easily influenced. Quietly love your uniqueness, new beginnings are on their way …

Numerology for 20/ 07/ 2024

You may be very ambitious, as well as up and down.  It may be key that you try to cultivate calm and self-discipline. Ideally truly listen to others and try to co-operate while keeping compromise to a minimum and not losing your spontaneity. Try to be patient and decisive, staying in the moment while keeping your eye on the distant mountain and heeding your inner voice. Above all try not to take anything personally, instead try to get to the bottom of things and use your strength to help others in need …

Numerology for 19/ 07/ 2024

Despite your struggle to be independent and self-confident, you may feel pushed into action and new experiences. You may be passionate and determined to make your ideas a reality, potentially making decisions without emotion and focussing on outward movement. If you are not getting the results you want, allow yourself space and time to reflect and look within. Truly listen to others and focus instead on building a centre of calm, balancing your inner and outer worlds. Rather than try to fix everything on the outside yourself, take a breath, stand back and let things happen … ‘Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished” Lao Tzu

Numerology for 18/ 07/ 2024

You may have great will power and be very persuasive. There may be lots of emotion and you may be very focussed on making your dreams a reality. It may be important you don’t lose yourself in your work and that you retain your great sensitivity, as well as your delight in simply living your life. Listen to others and be open to their different perspectives, take time to reflect and re-evaluate. Understand you are here in service, breaking through to help others break through. Build on truth and love and you have the potential to connect profoundly with the hearts of many …