Bob Geldof born 5 October 1951

His Life Path (5+10+1+9+5+1) = 31/ 4.
In Numerology 31/ 4 represents the spiritual warrior who has a relentless determination to act for others. The 1 in this position can represent great will power to initiate building something solid (4), using the power of creativity and communication (30).
The day and month represent the forming of his personality and the 51/ 6 that emerges here, represents ‘the ‘sword of truth’ encouraging Bob to build on his truth.

David Bowie born 8 January 1947

David shares the same birthday as Elvis Presley, Stephen Hawking and Shirley Bassey …
People born on this day can be strong personalities …
8 January can also represent 81/ 9 or 9 x 9 = 81.
Lots of 9 energy can bring great wisdom, as well as a perfectionist with an indomitable spirit, here to serve and to teach …
Potentially taking us all into new territory …