Numerology for Years and Dates



The year 2023 is about to begin and as you can see from the above diagram 2023 will be a ‘7 year’ (2+0+2+3), also characterised by 25/ 7 energy (20+2+3).

7 in terms of Numerology can be regarded as the ‘Magician’ as it contains the 3 and 4, so enhancing the potential to take ideas (3) and build something solid from them (4), ideally ‘opening up to spirit and running with it’. This may mean that in the process our inner lives may become of greater importance and rather than focus on getting every detail right on the outside, we may allow ourselves to connect with the bigger picture, to be more receptive and to see the beauty without the perfection, to work with life as it is rather than how we think it should be.   

This energy encourages us to go within, to trust our inner voice and to follow it. The challenge this year may be to remain true to ourselves’ at the deepest level, while also working together for the sake of humanity.

In terms of numerology, separation can be a characteristic of 2 energy and in recent years 2 energy has become more prevalent (especially on the date 22/2/2022).

As we start to emerge from years of separation (and in some cases isolation), some of us may be looking at ourselves and our environment differently. After potentially connecting in new ways to the universe within, this year (2023), gives us an opportunity to apply our new thinking to how we view the universe outside of ourselves.

The year 2023 can be represented by 25/ 7 (20+2+3), this represents co-operation and ‘the birth of consciousness’. As discussed in my previous newsletter, the words ‘Earth’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Heart’ in numerology all reduce to 25/ 16/ 7, so encouraging us all to be more in rhythm with the world around us, more aware and responsive to our surroundings.

This year (2+0+2+3=7) ultimately encourages us to connect with spirit (7) and our true nature. As a result, we may feel we need more time and space on our own, to know ourselves and live true to ourselves at the deepest level.

Spirit is of course everywhere and behind everything. The space that surrounds us, the ‘no-thing’ that appears empty and silent, represents potential in Numerology (0) and contains the potential for everything that is not yet manifest. Just as the cells and atoms within us are also made up primarily of space.

Everything physical is of the past and we are the bridge between this created world and the creative world, which has yet to be made real. The number 7 in Numerology represents the magician, with the potential to help this process, as 7 consists of 3 + 4 (where 3 represents great creativity and 4 the potential to build viable structures).

The key characteristic of the 7 is the desire to go into the quiet, to connect with spirit and our true authentic selves. As a result of being true to our authentic self and trusting our inner voice, we can then allow spirit (or this potential) to expand our world and encourage new thinking.

Connecting with spirit can take us back to the source and our true essence, beneath layers of behaviours and mindsets built and reinforced over thousands of years for our protection and survival.

When viewed from this perspective, ‘going into the quiet’ or the ‘no-thing’, a place with no structure, may seem futile and unnecessary – especially when there is so much that has to be done on the outside. 

Spirit may seem nebulous and vague, but for our environment to change there must be change on the inside and new thinking. Truly aligning with spirit individually and collectively, together connecting at source, makes it possible for us to truly work together, as one, in true peace and harmony.

Spirit and space are so vast they are beyond our comprehension, they are eternal…
To truly expand our thinking it is vital we connect with this.

Soul is the great mediator between spirit and matter, connecting us all with our source and the eternal within us, as well as to reality.

Soul is a state of being beyond self, as soul takes us into the collective consciousness which is united and connected to the wholeness of life on this planet, connecting us again with ‘Earth’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Heart’. Soul is a quality that can make us aware of our inter connectedness, it is a quality for us to find on the inside.

We may want to be in a different place and may feel this would solve everything. We may want to separate ourselves from all we choose not to deal with. We may want to stay ‘safe and secure’ in our comfort zones, but total security is an illusion and change is always guaranteed. Although on one level our life every day may feel the same, subtle currents beneath the surface ensure everything is in a constant state of flux, forever moving in cycles within cycles and changing everything. 

We may keep ourselves so busy that there is no time or space for reflection, the worlds of ego and pride can mean we are driven by our insecurities and our need to be seen as separate and ‘special’. They can keep us focussed on ‘keeping up appearances’, wanting to be seen as ‘in charge and in control’. Living only in the physical, emotional, and mental realms of the personality can prevent us from learning and limit the scope of our vision and energy. 

Connected with spirit however, we may feel empowered to change things and connected to source. – we may instead think in terms of abundance. Connected at source to everything, we may feel at home everywhere, as we see ourselves in all beings.

The longest journey for all of us is from our head to our heart.

Below I have tried to illustrate with Numerology the movement from Self to Collective (via Personality, Ego, and Soul), using the numbers generated by these words, as illustrated above: –

Please note the second number of a double digit has greater influence as it has a zero behind it.  
I have included in this analysis the first letters of these words, as the sound of the first letter is carried through when enunciating the word. I refer also to Tarot cards, as Tarot comes from Numerology and the images on the cards illustrate ‘the journey of the Soul’.

The starting point for us all are the unique set of circumstances we are all born into and how our senses interpret and respond. From our version of events our sense of self emerges, distinguishing us from others and helping us to make our own unique contribution to the world.

When we look at the word ‘Self’ in terms of numerology it begins with the letter ‘S’ which is a 1.
This represents a dynamic courageous leader, with flashes of insight, but a great deal of emotion.

The Personality number (what the world sees) is a 10/ 1, this brings great potential (0) to break through as a pioneer (1), moving from dependence to independence, to break through with courage, taking ourselves and others into new territory.

The Soul Urge or motivation is a 5., this is to explore using our five senses, to find our truth and to live our truth. Initially the five  senses explore externally (smell, touch, taste, sight, hearing). The number 5 connects us also with our mind and indicates the potential for new thinking, as we assimilate information received through the filter of our five senses.

The resulting combination or  ‘overall-self-expression’ (OSE) is 15/ 6. This represents ‘choices made’ as the 5 influences the 1 which can send you in many directions, as the 5 senses explore all possible options in their search for harmony (represented by the 6).

“To know thy self is the beginning of wisdom” – Socrates.

As we learn to express ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally (intellectually as well as verbally) our personality emerges. If we look at this word in terms of numerology.

The word ‘Personality’ starts with the letter ‘P’ which is a 7 and can mean that the ‘Personality’ works best alone, wanting to express its uniqueness and needing space and time to know itself at the deepest level. It brings together, tries to balance and interpret (physically, emotionally, and mentally) information received from the senses.

The Personality number (what the world sees) is a 27/ 9. This represents spirituality (7) born of emotion (20/ 2). The number 20/ 2 also represents ‘the miracle of birth’ and means imperative creativity, as well as a need to survive and be the best. The resulting 9 extracts the wisdom from all that is learnt, potentially to share that wisdom with others. The number 27/ 9 represents ‘wisdom from feelings and emotions’.

The Soul Urge or motivation is 28/ 10/ 1. This is a massive re-evaluation (8), born of emotion (20/ 2) and a need to be the best. There is a potential (0) to break through and be the pioneer you truly want to be. This can result in a great deal of emotion as you may feel torn between wanting to be a personality that conforms or ‘fits in’ and has the approval of those in authority, but needing also to be your true authentic self.

It is interesting how society can regard it as ‘a crisis’ when a personality starts to change their nature, from conforming to established patterns of behaviour and mindsets (many of which are subconscious) to connecting more with their potential or source (0) and responding with greater awareness. Great courage is needed to break through and become a pioneer, allowing your true authentic self (10/ 1) to emerge from the potential or ‘no-thing’. A person who is prepared to break out of the established structure, to dive into the ‘no-thing’ or potential (0), faces their fears and as a result is no longer ‘stuck in fear’. They cannot be easily manipulated or controlled, and may also encourage others to do the same.

The resulting combination or OSE is 55/ 19/ 10/ 1). In this, the 55 can represent an emotional breakdown if energies feel blocked. New thinking can result in a break down, but this can lead to a break-through and illumination. The number 19/ 10/ 1 represents ‘the correct use of power’ as the 1 and 9 are combined. This can also result in a struggle to be independent and self-confident, initially the person may feel pulled in different directions. When focussing on the self (1) you may want to be helping humanity (9) and when focussing on helping humanity (9) you may be concerned about your personal welfare ‘how about me?’ (1). The 9 here also leads to the 10/ 1 and a dive into the potential or ‘no-thing’. The number 19/ 10 / 1 can also make decisions without emotion, to do what needs to be done.

When a balance is eventually found 19/ 10/ 1 can represent a ‘new age type leader’ who works to help humanity. The 19 Tarot card represents ‘The Sun’ as nothing is hidden, and every dark corner is explored.

The ’Sum of the missing numbers’ from the word ‘Personality’ is 12/ 3. In terms of Numerology, the 12 (made from 3 x 4 =12) can represent creativity (3) made viable (4) as the personal will (1) is influenced by love wisdom (2). The 12 Tarot card represents ‘The Hanged Man’ away from the drama, upside down, looking at things differently. All the things that the personality may want, or desire are removed (represented by coins falling out of his pockets and cut branches of tree on either side of him). He has reached the point of no return and is poised, there is no resistance. He hangs upside down, suspended by a rope, with his hands tied behind his back. His arms form the shape of a triangle (3), and his legs make the shape of a (4).

Ego can be regarded as a component of personality and would usually have great resistance to this.
Ego can define how we want to see ourselves and how we connect with others.        
Ego is strongly connected to our personal feelings and opinions, regarding our journey to date.

As a result, ego can be the fuel that drives our self-confidence and our ability to take risks and seize opportunities, to help ourselves and others. Ego can also mean we are determined to maintain feelings of superiority and separateness from others. There is also, always the potential to live a spiritual life in alignment with your ego’s needs, by understanding the difference between needs and wants, what can and cannot be changed.

Either way, ego can provide a direct link to spirit.

When we look at the word ‘Ego’ in terms of numerology, it begins with the letter ‘E’ which is a 5. This first letter is a vowel, giving this word the qualities of Soul. The number 5 in numerology represents the need for freedom and the potential to be adaptable and versatile, as well as impulsive. The 5s need change, variety, and excitement and can always be looking outside of themselves for validation. The 5 is also the number of the mind, as information from the five senses is interpreted and acted upon.

The Personality number (what the world sees) is a 7. This can represent great spirituality, as you trust your inner voice and ‘run with it’. This inner voice relates to how we see ourself, whether connected with your true authentic self and all of humanity, or whether you have an illusion you want to maintain.

The Soul Urge or motivation is 11/2.  This can result either in a direct link with spirit (11), wanting to inspire others to think in the same way you and needing space to hear the inner message you want to share. As a result, you can be inspiring, and/or overbearing. Without this connection with spirit, your focus may be on the 2. In this context, this could result in limited vision, separation, and a great deal of emotion. You may be focussed on detail, just seeing mistakes and scarcity, feeling a victim who’s stuck.

The resulting combination or OSE is 18/ 9. This represents a massive re-evaluation (8), as everything may be brought to the surface to be looked at and re-evaluated in the cold light of day. Regeneration and revision of the 1 and how you view yourself, results in a 9 (the end of the cycle). The 9 extracts the wisdom from all that has gone before, to share this with humanity as a teacher or in service to others. Limited vision may however result in little movement here.

This brings us to the word ‘Soul’.

When we look at the word ‘Soul’ in terms of numerology, like ‘Self’ this word also begins with the letter ‘S’ which is a 1. This represents a dynamic courageous leader, with flashes of insight but also a great deal of emotion.

The Personality number (what the world sees) is a 4. This this can bring conflict as the 4 can be very focused on building a viable structure on the outside, when building from your inner environment or ’inner temple’ is required.

The Soul Urge or motivation is a 9. This is to extract the wisdom from all that has come before and to give this back in service and through teaching.

The resulting combination or OSE is 13/ 4. This represents rebirth as great creativity (3) influences the personal will (1), so together they push against existing structures (4) to transform things.
This 13/ 4 can also be seen as combining the 9 represented in Ego and Personality, the 10/ 1 of Self and Personality, the 11/ 2 of Ego and the 12/ 3 from the missing numbers in the word ‘Personality’.

The word ‘Collective’ like ‘Soul’ is also very creative, this word similarly begins with the letter ‘C’ which is a 3, this represents spontaneous creativity and great communication skills, as well as great sensitivity and potential joy.

The Personality number Is 18/ 9. This represents a massive re-evaluation (8), as everything may be brought to the surface to be looked at and re-evaluated in the cold light of day. Regeneration and revision (of the 1 and how you view yourself), result in a 9 (the end of the cycle). The 9 extracts the wisdom from all that gone before, to share this with humanity as a teacher or in service to others.

The C’s and L’s in this word are all 3s, these represent the potential for great creativity and communication skills regarding this revision.

The Soul Urge or motivation is 25/ 7. This represents great co-operation and the birth of consciousness (in rhythm with 2023).

The resulting combination or OSE is 43/ 16/ 7. This represents instability, but also a willingness to adapt and the potential for transformation. As great creativity (3) is born of the existing structure (40/ 4), so to can new thinking and new actions, (taking responsibility for self and others) result (16/ 7).

As discussed in my previous articles: –
The word ‘Ukraine’ and Putin’s mission in this lifetime is 34/ 16/ 7. The 34/ 7 represents systematic spiritual growth, as new structures (4) are born out of creativity and communication (30/ 3).

Both these numbers result in a 7, the inner work we are all being encouraged to do this year.
The 7 consists of 3 + 4, the 3 represents great creativity and the 4 represents the potential to build viable structures.

We are here to support and protect each other and the situation in Ukraine encourages us to respond and work collectively, with greater co-operation and communication. This way there is the potential for new solutions to be found. Solutions that ensure new structures are built that prevent history from repeating itself, by ensuring continued co-operation, communication, and creativity. New structures that ensure this ‘birth of consciousness’ and new thinking continue to be made real and viable.

We may feel limited in what we can do personally to help the people of Ukraine and the planet, but by taking time away from the drama to go into the quiet and reflect before making more conscious informed choices, and by becoming more aware of our impact on our surroundings and environment, we can increase the momentum of a growing tide of awareness, in rhythm with the time.

So, stand your ground and attempt to live your life in an authentic way.

We may go into the quiet individually, but we can then share what we find with others and as more become aware and in rhythm with their potential and the eternal within each of us. Together we can see what has always been there to see and together new solutions can be found.

‘Going into the quiet’ can also be helped greatly by such pleasantries as music and activities such as gardening and walking, as they can bring us closer to nature.   

“Nature doesn’t rush, yet everything is accomplished” – Lao Tzu

 Winter always turns to Spring.

© 2023 Copyright Jane Alton



The year 2023 is about to begin and as you can see from the above diagram 2023 will be a ‘7 year’ (2+0+2+3), also characterised by 25/ 7 energy (20+2+3).

7 in terms of Numerology can be regarded as the ‘Magician’ as it contains the 3 and 4, so enhancing the potential to take ideas (3) and build something solid from them (4), ideally ‘opening up to spirit and running with it’. This may mean that in the process our inner lives may become of greater importance and rather than focus on getting every detail right on the outside, we may allow ourselves to connect with the bigger picture, to be more receptive and to see the beauty without the perfection, to work with life as it is rather than how we think it should be.   

This energy encourages us to go within, to trust our inner voice and to follow it. The challenge this year may be to remain true to ourselves’ at the deepest level, while also working together for the sake of humanity.

This year is also characterised by 25/ 7 energy, which in Numerology represents the ‘Birth of Consciousness’. This brings the potential for greater co-operation, as we potentially work together, fusing everything – light and shadow, conscious and unconscious.

There is the potential for this ‘Birth of Consciousness’ to bring the old mindsets down, if enough people start to see the glamour and illusion for what it is and refuse to ‘play the game’. Also, when enough people choose instead to focus their energies away from just their own needs, to take responsibility and to work on behalf of something greater than themselves, ideally focussing on being the best we can be, rather than just focussing on being better than others. This can encourage us all to start building collectively with a new mindset and a new vision.

(The ‘critical mass’ that may be needed to establish new mind sets, consists mainly of those aged up to 22, born in the 21st century and with a 2 in their chart. This group is growing in significance and influence and many from this age group have come in to help build and work with structures that are not here yet. Many in the future will be working with technologies that currently doesn’t exist. Whereas one energy can be characterised as single-minded and continuing in a straight line, with one way of doing things and one goal. Two energy gives us separation for the first time, as well as the potential to come together with new thinking after separation. Two energy gives us the opportunity to look at ourselves, our responses and behaviours in new ways.).

As can be seen from the above diagram, the words ‘Earth’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Heart’ also share this same overall self-expression (OSE = 25/ 16/ 7). The numbers behind these words also share similar vibrations and when we view the Tetaktrys (in the above diagram), we see the numbers 5 and 16/ 7 are reflections. In the Tetaktrys, both these numbers touch every number or energy that surrounds them. In a similar way ‘Earth’, ‘Nature’ and the ‘Heart’ impact and potentially brings to life all they encounter. They are all fundamental to life.

The 5 energy in Numerology represents freedom, adventure and change.

5 energy encourages us to ‘break out of our existing structure’ in our quest for knowledge and experience, encouraging us to use our 5 senses to find our truth and to live our truth.

5 energy also represents the mind and encourages us to look beyond outer form to see the energy of love and truth behind all things. (To see everything is connected and nothing is separate).

The 16/ 7 (reflected in the Tetaktrys) represents ‘the mind in action’ and reminds us that our environment’s a reflection of our inner world and for our environment to change, our thinking must change.

25/ 16/ 7 can be interpreted as ‘the birth of consciousness and new actions resulting from this’.

The challenge with 16/ 7 is to balance the 1 (the will, the individual, impulsive and unstoppable, focussed on one goal and moving in one direction) with the 6 (maintaining harmony and taking responsibility for the environment, creating movement and growth with others).

The 16/ 7 encourages movement and inner transformation, as we ideally focus our energies away from our own needs and take responsibility to work on behalf of something greater than ourselves.

This is especially true of Nature which also has 16/ 7 Personality (what the world sees) as well as 25/ 16/ 7 OSE.

The words ‘Earth’ and ‘Heart’ are made up of the same letters (or energies) but start with different letters. In Numerology the sound of the first letter of a word, carries on through the word, so giving the first letter greater significance.

The first letter ‘E’ (5) encourages constant movement, renewal, and adaptation. This letter is a vowel and ‘soul driven’ hence the driving force comes from within.

The first letter ‘H’ (8) encourages constant re-evaluation and is reacting constantly to its environment (as above, so below).

Both words have a 6 Soul Urge (or motivation), encouraging responsibility for harmony and balance. When this happens spirit (or energy) and matter can be seen to be working together, to create movement and growth with others.

Both words have a 19/ 10/ 1 Personality (what the world sees), this represents the ’correct use of power’ with no manipulation and nothing hidden. The challenge can be finding the balance between the 1 (the will, the individual, impulsive and unstoppable, focussed on one goal and moving in one direction) and the 9 (letting go of all that no longer serves you, to go beyond itself and to be constantly adapting). Finding balance can result in being pulled in different directions, but ultimately there is the potential to break through and take the lead (10/ 1), ideally taking everything in their environment with them into new territory (19/ 10/ 1).

‘Nature’ has a 9 Soul Urge (or motivation), encourages letting go of all that no longer serves you, to go beyond itself and to be constantly adapting, to go beyond itself and to be constantly adapting (as Spring follows Winter).

The word ‘Nature’ starts with the letter ‘N’ (5), this is also a 5 but not a vowel, so encourages constant movement, renewal, and adaptation, as constantly reacting to environment. (In nature everything is automatic and unconscious, governed by pure instinct).

‘Nature’ also has a 16/ 7 Personality (what the world sees), this represents the ‘mind in action’ constantly seeking balance between the 1 (the will, the individual, impulsive and unstoppable, focussed on one goal and moving in one direction) and the 6 (maintaining harmony and taking responsibility for the environment, creating movement and growth with others).

The 16/ 7 encourages movement and inner transformation, as we ideally focus our energies away from our own needs and take responsibility to work on behalf of something greater than ourselves, to create movement and growth.

As we move further into ‘The Age of Aquarius’ we are encouraged to think more in terms of the brotherhood of humanity and with the influence of the 2 energy steadily growing, we potentially move further from focusing on the self (the ego) and how ‘special’ we are individually, to consciously contributing to humanity’s place in the much bigger picture, ideally connecting to our greater self and contributing to a rise in consciousness for all.
To quote Alan Watts “Each individual is an expression of the whole of the realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe”.

While we would all agree that our current way of life is not sustainable, we all want to stay in our comfort zones. A big part of our new collective thinking is to embrace change and recognise that we are all being tested, not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.

© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton

The ‘Lions Gate Portal’ – Monday, 8/ 8/ 2022

If you are feeling overwhelmed at the moment, you may be interested to know of powerful energies, potentially impacting us all, as ‘The Lions Gate Portal’ opens (as it does each year), from 28 July to 12 August, when the Sun is in Leo and the stars, Sirius, Orions Belt and the Earth all line up.

This movement creates a powerful portal of energy, which peaks on Monday, 8 August 2022.

At its peak, this portal acts as a potent manifester, allowing us to boldly and optimistically open new doors of opportunity.

This portal first opened this year, with the Super New Moon in Leo on 28 July 2022, encouraging us to recognise our personal power and to allow this to manifest itself.

With the New Moon in Leo, those who have been silent, in a non-aggressive, but assertive way may insist on change and may roar. The current European champions, The Lionesses (UK’s Women’s National Soccer team), are a great example of this.

Energies from this portal, are at their peak on Monday 8/ 8/ 2022 and this date is dominated by 8 energy and 2 energy.

The number 8 in numerology represents karma, it is the one number that has no end and on its side represents the symbol for eternity. The number 8 in numerology represents constant movement, as light (or spirit) goes into matter, to re-emerge bringing everything to the surface to be looked at and to be re-evaluated. The 8 represents the strategist and organiser, tirelessly moving back and forth, constantly knocking down and rebuilding. With 8 energy balance between the material and spiritual realms becomes key and we may feel forced into action.

A double 8 represents ‘the masters of karma’ and a generator, bringing everything up to be re-evaluated. This energy can make us feel ‘back at square one’ as it may feel that everything is being brought up to the surface to be looked at and we may feel we have to constantly decide ‘do I take this with me? do I want to think like this? or do I let this go?’.

The number 2 in numerology represents relating to others, while trying to balance the emotional seesaw of union and separation. With the number 2 we have separation for the first time (1 1) and the opportunity to look at ourselves, to explore opposite or contradictory tendencies, opinions, or aspects, to find balance as we explore existing boundaries and extremes.

Three 2s can encourage intense emotion and hypersensitivity. This may result in wanting to isolate ourselves, as we may feel vulnerable. We may also distrust our intuition and may feel very defensive. Ultimately, we may find we need to appreciate, consider, and co-operate with others more, as together we may feel forced out of our comfort zones, perhaps forced to confront things we don’t want to look at and encouraged collectively, to think in new ways.

Looking at this date in more detail –

8      8      2022  6                                                 First Goal (8 + 8)         = 16/   7
                                                                                 Inner Work (2+2+2)   =   6/   6
        16            24                                                   Life Path or Mission = 22/ 13/ 4

         7              6



The energy 88 takes us to 16/ 7, as the movement encourages us to look within (7), to focus again on finding our truth and our will (1) to realise how best to help others, as well as ourselves (6). Our ‘Inner Work’ (6) is to take responsibility for this, to seek balance and harmony.

By going within (7) and taking responsibility (6) for the new world we choose to create, there is the potential for transformation and rebirth (13/ 4). 13/ 4 in numerology represents ‘necessity being the mother of invention’ as great creativity (3) pushes against the existing will (1) and the existing structure (4) to transform things and ultimately bring in new structures.

The Life Path or Mission that comes from this date (22/ 13/ 4) encourages us to all act as ‘Master Builders’ and to build the new world with love and compassion (22/ 4), focussing on what will benefit everyone, not just the few.

On the way to completing our ‘Life Path’ or ‘Mission’ The ‘Rehearsal Number’ (76/ 13/ 4) represents a rise in consciousness for humanity as new concepts (6) born or spirituality (or looking within) (7), encourage new thinking, which brings in creativity (3) and new possibilities (1) that transform existing structures (4).

Looking at the name in terms of Numerology: –

       5   96         1   5   6      1       =   33/   6/   6          Soul Urge or Motivation 
2 8   3     51  7   2   7    92   3    = 49/ 13/   4          Personality    

                                                            82/ 19/ 10/ 1    OSE (Overall Self Expression)


Missing Number = 4

It is significant that the numbers that featured so strongly in the date this portal has strongest impact, also feature in this portal’s name.

The Soul Urge or Motivation 33/ 6, in numerology represents great creativity (33) coming from the heart and striving for perfect harmony (6). Intense 3 energy (33), can also result in feeling so responsible for the happiness of others, that you can give too much, so there can be bitterness too. (6 is also the inner work and 16/ 7 is the First Goal from the date 8/ 8/ 2022)

The Personality (49/ 13/ 4) indicates great creativity (3) pushing through two of the strongest numbers (1, the unstoppable generator and 4 the existing structure), to transform things. 49 can represent the end of an existing cycle (9) and the potential to extract the wisdom from all that has gone before (9), so the existing structure can be transformed to help humanity (9).
(The Life Path or Mission that comes from the date is 22/ 13/ 4, the Rehearsal no. = 76/ 13/ 4).

The Overall Self Expression (OSE 82/ 19/ 10/ 1) represents love wisdom (2) born of massive re-evaluation (8), resulting ultimately in the correct use of power (19/ 10/ 1).

19/ 10/ 1 can also represent a struggle to be independent and self-confident, as those who have been silent for so long, may struggle to find their voice. 19/ 10/ 1 also encourages decisions to be made without emotion, as the 9 must learn detachment in order to stand back and let go of all that is unproductive.

19/ 10 1 can also result in feeling pulled in different directions, (when focussing on self, wanting to help humanity and when focussing on helping humanity ‘how about me’). Ultimately the correct use of power requires breadth of wisdom (9) to influence the smaller self (or ego 1), that may be focussed on the survival of existing structures that they have benefitted from.

Ultimately this Portal is about the journey from the head to the heart, as we help ourselves so we can help others. Ideally, we build on what is already working, discarding all that no longer serves us (the 9 in action). To do this we need to learn detachment, which may be difficult as our motivation may be all heart and may result in us trying to fix everything and make everything work, when our focus needs to be letting go of all that is unproductive.     

Missing from this name is the number 4, this encourages determination and discipline in manifesting our goals. This may bring conflict, as the 4  may be focussed on being systematic, orderly and grounded, focussing on what is viable in order to maintain and build on an existing structure, The 4 is actually one of the most creative numbers if it can get past defending what has been created, to focus on inner transformation and ‘building the inner temple’, not just building on the outside.

As I have described in my previous articles/newsletters we are standing on the cusp of great change. Potentially moving from the masculine 1 energy being our major influence, to feminine 2 energy becoming our major influence.

The masculine 1 energy is dominated by fire and can insist on leading from the front, with one way of doing things. The feminine 2 energy is dominated by water and the moon and prefers to work behind the scenes as the diplomat, facilitator, co-ordinator and the peacemaker. Water can be deceptively cool, peaceful, and reflective, especially when flowing smoothly. Water can also generate tsunamis and floods.

Water may be gentle and peaceful, but it can move mountains …

In summary, I recommend, if possible, on Monday (8/ 8/ 2022), taking time to slow down and ideally to meditate or reflect on your dreams, and how best you can use your unique qualities and experiences to help others and to serve the planet.

We are all in this together!! 

© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton

Title: Russia and Ukraine from the Perspective of Numerology – March 22

This article follows my previous article “The date 22/ 02/ 2022, Russia and Ukraine”, which was written prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (24/02/2022). In the period between these articles, we have experienced a very intense period of 2 energy. Each date from 20/02/2022 to 28/02/2022 inclusive contains five 2’s, except 22/02/2022 which contains six 2’s and the greatest concentration of 2 energy to date.

Such a concentration of 2 energy can bring enormous sensitivity, encouraging individuals to respond with emotion and be extremely spontaneous and impulsive. Within this period, Russia invaded Ukraine (24/ 02) and the West subsequently introduced sanctions. Towards the end of this period (27/ 02) the assets and travel of named oligarchs and officials were frozen. Additionally, Russian banks were “disconnected from the international financial system” by limiting their access to messaging systems used to transfer money across borders. This action has never been done on such a large scale before. A bond of trust has been broken and the global financial system has been changed forever as a result.

A feature throughout these dates is also 20/ 2 energy, which in Numerology represents ‘The Goddess and the Miracle of Birth’.  Giving birth brings imperative creativity, but also violence, as there is a great focus on survival at all costs and ‘coming out on top’.

After 19 centuries with the 1 at the front of the year and everyone on this planet having a 1 in their charts, structures have been built and reinforced over many years to further strengthen the influence of 1 energy.

The new millennium (from year 2000) brought the potential (000) for us to go back to source (000) and to create new structures with 2 energy at the foundation. This potential grows with the influence of 2 energy becoming stronger with each successive year.

This is a profound shift, the qualities of 1 energy can be very loud, focussed on self, promoting ego and one way of doing things. The 1 encourages leading from the front and on top, controlling and containing, whilst often discouraging expression of emotion or empathy. The 2 energy on the other hand works in more silent, subtle ways. The 2 focuses within and underneath (like Mother Earth) encouraging growth, creativity and expansion through love and compassion.

The 1 energy has the qualities of fire and can be likened to ‘the ignition’ bursting with ambition, leading the way as a pioneer. The 2 energy conversely has the qualities of water and is more of a team player, constantly aware of duality, preferring to work from within as a peace maker, expressing empathy and compassion. Despite this, whilst water can reflect and be still (transparent when pure), water can also bring waves and tsunamis. Water when working with Mother Nature can move mountains.

With the increased influence of 2 energy, we experience separation for the first time (1   1) and have opportunity to see both sides of the situation, to look at ourselves and our impact on our environment. These qualities give 2 energy the propensity to act as a mediator – seeking to restore unity, peace and harmony to the most disparate parts of any situation, trying to balance the emotional seesaw of union and separation.

With this shift, many leaders (most of whom have benefitted from existing structures) are becoming increasingly aware that they have a new type of voter. Many of these leaders have learnt that if they wish to successfully engage with their new voters’ they must adjust their approach and communications accordingly. Currently anyone aged up to 22 may be strongly influenced by 2 energy and as well as being able to vote are often very ‘tech savvy’. The ‘snowflake generation’ has come of age and is now more able to encourage new ways of thinking with their empathy and compassion. Their increasing influence means that collectively we can start to respond in new ways and find new solutions. This may result in our new collective responses bringing existing structures down so new structures can be built, new structures that better reflect and can accommodate the new thinking.

The impact of the 2 energy from 2000 to 2019 was gradual compared to its impact from the year 2020.

In the year 2020, we all experienced separation and isolation due to Covid. During this period we had the opportunity to look at ourselves and our actions with greater awareness and understanding (1   1).  The Soul work for the year 2020 (20 + 2 = 22/ 4) represents the ‘Master Builder’ and can act as a wake-up call, encouraging potential new master builders to emerge. Leaders who are insightful and group centred, encouraging co-operation. Ideally mobilising us all to work for causes greater than individual benefit.

The Soul work for the year 2021 (20 + 2 + 1 = 23/ 5), builds upon our desire to build new structures, potentially encouraging creativity (3) and new thinking (5), all born of the 20/ 2.

The year 2022 further increases the prevalence of 2 energy, especially during February (2) 2022, as we move the furthest we have been so far from the influence of 1 energy. For the first time, 2 energy becomes the dominant energy, with all those up to the age of 21, the most strongly influenced.

The outer expression of the Soul work for the year 2022 (20 + 2 + 2 = 24/ 6), represents alchemy and the potential for new structures (4) to emerge from the watery depths of emotion (20/ 2) we may find ourselves plunged into. The date Russia invaded Ukraine (24/02/ 2022) has 24/ 6 as the starting point as well as 24/ 6, the Soul Work for that year, all in the same day. This potentially bringing to a head the desire for new structures and to break through existing limitations. This date also contains five 2’s and can bring enormous sensitivities as well as confusion.  The inner work to be done this year (2+ 0 + 2+ 2 = 6) encourages us all to take responsibility and embrace change, so a brave new world can emerge. Sacrifice may have been a pivotal theme of this day.

The first goal that comes from this date (24 + 2 = 26/ 8) represents ‘Lord Karma’. This introduces great feelings of responsibility towards others and new higher concepts (6) which are born out of emotion (20/ 2). The 8 represents karma in Numerology and is the one number that has no end (on its side OO this number represents eternity). The 8 ultimately represents the changing of patterns that would otherwise go on forever, ‘As Above, So Below’. The 8 illustrates the constant cycle of spirit or light going deep into matter or darkness, to re-emerge so eventually everything can be brought to the surface, to be looked at in the light of day.

8 represents re-evaluation and balance between spirit and matter because eventually the circles get smaller, as more is brought to the surface to be looked at and more light is taken into the dark. Ultimately 8 represents spirit and matter working together in harmony to regenerate and rebuild.

The constant movement represented by the 8 also illustrates how we are forced into action, forced out of our comfort zones, forced to re-evaluate, forced to look at what is put before us, forced into the unknown and into the dark. When there is imbalance, this can be destructive. Eventually the 8 represents working with spirit to bring about change without harming anyone.

Looking at the bigger picture…

World War 1 began *           28  7   1914     –   28 + 7 + 19 + 14 =     68/ 14/ 5     

World War 2 began              01  9   1939     –   01 + 9 + 19 + 39 =     68/ 14/ 5     

Russia Invaded Ukraine     24  2   2022     –   24 + 2 + 20 + 22 =     68/ 14/ 5     

* Using the assassination of the Austrian archduke Francis Ferdinand as a pretext to present Serbia with an unacceptable ultimatum, Austria-Hungary declared war on the Slavic country on this day in 1914, sparking World War I.

The Soul work for each of these years is about structure: –
The year 1914 (19 + 1 + 4 = 24/ 6), new structures (4) emerge from the depths of emotion (20/ 2).
The year 1939 (19 + 3 + 9 = 31/ 4), will (1) to build something solid (4) with communication (30/ 3).
The year 2022 (20 + 2 + 2 = 24/ 6), new structures (4) emerge from the depths of emotion (20/ 2).

68/ 14/ 5 in numerology represents a significant re-evaluation (8) of existing concepts and responsibilities (60/ 6). This can represent leadership or those in power (10/ 1) trying to bring in new structures (4) and new belief systems with the intention of breaking through and finding freedom (5) despite the perceived limitations.

14/ 5 in numerology represents ‘The Messenger with the Power of the Word’ and this energy can bring the potential to be obsessive, as well as very persuasive.

68/ 14/ 5 in this context ultimately represents the power of communication, to bring in new structures as well as new concepts or belief systems.

The influence of 68/ 14/ 5 energy here can bring a ruthless practicality as the 8 can be very direct in communication, forcing all involved into action and out of their comfort zones.

© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton
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Title: The date 22/ 02/ 2022, Russia and Ukraine

The 22nd day in the 2nd month of the year 2022. On this date many may be feeling extremely sensitive and vulnerable due to the influence of 2 energy. For some there may be a great deal of confusion and emotion, and others may feel overwhelmed through ‘caring too much’.

Two energy can bring separation, causing many to feel ‘wrapped up in their own feelings’. But this separation can also bring the opportunity to look at ourselves and our actions with greater awareness and understanding (1   1). This 2 energy may result in us working together in new ways particularly as we are now enter the Age of Aquarius, encouraging the ‘Brotherhood of man’.

The day number (22/ 4) represents the ‘Master Builder’ and can act as a wake-up call, encouraging potential new master builders to emerge. Leaders who are insightful and group centred, encouraging co-operation. Ideally mobilising us all to work for causes greater than individual benefit.   

The mission that comes from this date (30/12/ 3) encourages dialogue and co-operation, also for us to look at everything in new ways, ideally masculine (1) and feminine (2) energies working together, to bring new creative solutions (3).

The first goal that comes from this date (22 + 2 = 24/ 6) is the same as the outer expression of the Soul work for the whole of this year (20 + 2 + 2 = 24/ 6). The inner work to be done this year (2+ 0 + 2+ 2 = 6) encourages us all to take responsibility and embrace change, so a brave new world can emerge. The 6 in terms of Numerology can be represented by a tight coil striving for perfection, trying to make every detail right. The 6 has the potential to uncoil from the inside out, to become a ‘cup for spirit’, fully receptive to new thinking and seeing the beauty without the perfection.

24/ 6 in terms of Numerology represents alchemy and the potential for new structures (4) to emerge from the deep watery depths of emotion (20/ 2) we may find ourselves plunged into.

The name Russia also vibrates to 24/ 6 energy: –

   3   9 1    13/ 4  Soul Urge or Motivation
9   11        11/ 2  Personality                  
                  24/ 6  Overall Self Expression (OSE)

Behind this the Soul Urge (or motivation) 13/ 4 is about transformation and rebirth. Creativity potentially pushes though great will (1) and existing structures (4) to transform things.
The Personality (11/ 2) has the potential to inspire us all to think in new ways.

3     19  5   18/   9  Soul Urge or Motivation
  2 9    5     16/   7  Personality                  
                   34/ 16/ 7  Overall Self Expression (OSE)

The name Ukraine vibrates to 34/ 16/ 7 energy. This represents new structures (4), emerging from creativity and communication (30). 16/ 7 represents the mirror, the mind in action, the seeker of the truth. 16/ 7 energy encourages us to look again at relationships and to move from focussing on the self (1) to our greater sense of responsibility towards others (6). Ultimately 16/ 7 energy encourages us down a spiritual path, to connect with the bigger picture, beyond self.

18/ 9 in terms of Numerology represents regeneration following a massive re-evaluation (8), the 9 extracting the wisdom from all that has gone before, ultimately to serve and to teach.

The Life Path or mission that comes from Putin’s Date of Birth (07/10/1952) is also 34/ 16/ 7.
This may mean Putin relates quite powerfully with Ukraine.

Putin’s chart is dominated by 7 energy, making him very spontaneous as he may trust his intuition greatly. Being dominated b 7 energy can also mean he is very secretive, inflexible and self-contained.

But ultimately 7 energy encourages a search for truth and allows the flow of life’s evens to happen. Encouraging a letting go of the old mindsets and structures to welcome the new.

Let’s hope that through Ukraine there is the potential for everyone to connect to the bigger picture and respond in new ways.

© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton


Title: The Pandemic Years

Part 1: Transitioning through the years

When we entered the 2020’s, the number of 2’s in the year became
one of the dominant influences. Now that we are at the beginning of 2022, the
impact of the 2 will be felt even more prominently. This 2 energy is also
directly affecting more people, as anyone aged up to 21 will have at least one
2 in their chart.

The 2 in Numerology represents the peace maker, the diplomat, the facilitator,
potentially able to see both sides of a situation. The 2 very much ‘feels life’
and tries to balance the emotional see-saw of union and separation.

When a person has a lot of 2 energy there is the potential to be oversensitive,
fearful and confused. If poorly expressed 2 energy can also encourage
insensitivity, manipulation, extreme impatience and impressionability. This has
been highlighted by the appearance of the derogatory term ‘The Snowflake Generation’
to describe those in this age group who are seen as less resilient and more
prone to taking offence.

The zero in numerology represents the space or potential,
the no-thing that has no beginning or end and from which everything comes.
This, combined with the 2 to make 20, represents ‘the birth of something’ and brings
with it a period of inner development (or gestation), a period of deep inner
reflection, imperative creativity and the potential for violence.

Looking at the
distinct energies of the last couple of years:


This year is represented in numerology by the number 4 (2 + 0 + 2
+ 0) as well as 22/ 4 (20 + 2).

The 4 is an earth energy with the qualities of security and
stability, as well as the ability to focus on what is viable and practical.

  • This energy erects the structure, bringing
    ideas down to earth with dogged determination and can turn flights of fantasy
    into reality. It also acts as a bridge between the created world (seen) and the
    creative world (unseen) – applying creativity in the most practical, grounded
    way possible.
  • The 4 can experience conflict and feel overwhelmed
    with the responsibility of ‘holding everything together’. Initially 4 may focus
    just on working with the physical and essentially stopping inner movement. However,
    4 has the potential to ‘open up’ by working in a more abstract way, building their
    ‘inner temple’ with ideas and intuition, allowing their true creativity to flow.

The 22/ 4 represents the ‘Master Builder’ and brings the potential
to build the ‘new world’

  • This energy brings the potential for oscillation as these new structures are born out of 2 energy. This can mean great sensitivity and confusion, as there are so many extremes and contradictions to navigate.
  • Ultimately this is about building the dream from a position of intense sensitivity and fragility to become group centred and insightful.
    (22/ 4 also represents 2 x 11/ 2, 11/ 2 being the channel who can speak with inspiration, reconstructing with intuitive insight).


This year is represented by 5 (2 + 0 +
2 + 1) as well as 23/ 5 (20 + 2 + 1).

The 5 is a fire energy with the qualities of change,
communication, energy and motion.

  • The 5 is the means by which the mind
    experiences through its 5 senses, higher and deeper aspects of self. It
    requires the freedom to explore, experiment and question everything.
  • This energy wants to break free from
    stultifying norms in their quest for knowledge and experience. To embark on an
    exciting journey of discovery.

23/ 5 represents the ‘Scientist of the Emotions’, exploring ideas
(3), born out of emotion (20/ 2).

  • The 23/ 5 can represent lots of ups and downs,
    as there may be great ideas, but these are born of emotion which can mean you
    doubt yourself.
  • If this energy is focussed on what it loves
    and on ideas that are viable and practical, new ideas and new thinking which influences
    many can happen as a result.


This year  is represented by 6 (2 + 0 + 2 + 2), as well
as 24/ 6 (20 + 2 + 2).

The 6 energy
contains two trinities (3) and represents the original ideal now coming into
full bloom.

  • The 6 seeks its vision of harmony and
    perfection, taking hold of the ideas 5 has produced.
  • This is the idealistic number of heart and

The 24/ 6 represents new structures (4) born of emotion
(20/ 2) and can be ruthless about doing whatever is required for harmony and
perfection to prevail (6).

The combination in 2022 of the 6 with three 2s behind it, as
well as 24/ 6 may accentuate the key qualities of the 2 which is a water

Part 2: Key words and their numbers

On 31 December 2019, the World
Health Organization (WHO) was informed of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of
unknown cause detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. As a result of this 2020 and 2021
have been dominated by Coronavirus (commonly known as covid).


When we look at this word in terms of Numerology:

   6  9   = 15/ 6 Soul Urge or Motivation
3   4 4 = 11/ 2  Personality
              26/ 8  Overall Self Expression (OSE)

The soul urge (15/ 6) encourages new thinking, decision making (5) and taking responsibility (6).

The personality (11/ 2) encourages breadth of vision and for
us to be inspired to think in new ways and the space to connect with the spirit.

The OSE (26/ 8) represents responsibility towards others (6)
born of emotion and sensitivity (20/ 2).

The 8 in the OSE is significant, also representing ‘Lord
Karma’ it encourages re-evaluation and can mean being pushed into action, to
see both sides of a situation, feeling the pain of others, showing compassion. The
shape of the 8 represents  continual
movement of spirit into matter and light into the dark. The shape of 8 has no
beginning or end and on its side 8 represents eternity. This continual
re-evaluation means everything is brought to the surface to be looked at.  

The first letter of each word is also important as
the sound of the first letter can carry on through the sound of the word. The
first letter of the word Covid is C, a 3 energy, encouraging spontaneous


At the end of 2021 we are beginning to see
the potential for ‘Omicron’ to dominate in 2022.
When we look at this word in terms of Numerology:

6    9     6   = 21/ 3 Soul Urge or Motivation
   4   39   5
= 21/ 3  Personality
                     42/ 6  Overall Self Expression (OSE)

The Soul Urge and personality (21/ 3) represent the birth of consciousness and
the manifestation of the idea. This number is attention-seeking and demands
immediate attention.

This energy brings us back to the original
idea (3 – the trinity, the blueprint, the idea), this time with great will (1)
driving emotion and sensitivity (20/ 2), determined to get every detail right.
21/ 3 also brings us back to 22/ 4 and the new world we want to build (4) with
love and compassion (22).

The OSE (42/ 6) encourages love wisdom (2) into the existing structure (4) to
take responsibility and to care for others (6). If not balanced, this can also
mean suppressing the growth of others and/or trying to impose your beliefs on

The first letter of the word Omicron is O, a 6 energy, encouraging us to take
responsibility and to promote harmony. With this influence we may view our role
as giving service to others and with the 2 influence this may bring up deep
emotions. We may feel out of our depth and a great deal of adjustment may be
required. We may keep our true feelings hidden.


With people becoming increasingly conscious
of their impact on the environment and the suffering of others, there is an
increasing push to bring in new structures that have a direct and immediate
impact. Many people are now promoting ‘compassion in farming’ with the choices
they are making. Many (especially the young) are now becoming vegan, a trend
which is gathering momentum.

When we look at this word in terms
of Numerology:

5  1    
=     6/  6        Soul Urge or Motivation
4   7  
5  = 16/ 7         Personality

                  22/ 13/ 4
Overall Self Expression (OSE)

The Soul Urge (6) encourages us to take responsibility, promoting harmony and
perfection. The 6 is the idealistic number of heart and home, choosing to live without
harming or killing another animal.

The Personality (16/ 7) relates to taking responsibility for the others, focussing
on relationships and our responsibility towards others (6) rather than just ourselves
(1). This energy is about connecting to the bigger picture (7) to truly help

The OSE (22/ 13/ 4) is the ‘Master Builder’, transforming
the existing structure (13/ 4) and building the ‘new world’ from a position of
intense sensitivity, very aware of the fragility of this planet (22).
This number brings great creativity and communication (3), pushing against the
unstoppable generator (1) and existing structure (4) to transform things in a
practical way.
The 13/ 4 component of the OSE also refers to ‘necessity being the mother of
There is no planet B and immediate action is required if we are to save this

The first letter of the word vegan is V, which is also the
22nd letter, encouraging inspired leadership, which can envision
ideas and convert these into physical form. Practical with great intuitive awareness.

Such sensitivity and awareness can encourage immediate
action. A vegan diet has a direct impact on the environment as 93% of the
world’s water supply is used for meat and dairy production. A vegan diet can
also reduce a person’s carbon footprint by up to 73%.  

Now is the time for reflection.
What future do we want for ourselves and our children?

Since 2020 the number 2 in the year has become the dominant influence.
Now that we are at the beginning of 2022, the impact of the 2 will be felt even more prominently.

The 2 is a water energy with the following characteristics: –

Water reflects when still and can be transparent and calm.
Water is also very changeable and the waves generated can bring destruction and
move mountains.
Water has purifying qualities and can release the impurities from a structure.

Water is very adaptable and will always take the shape of the container it is
Water will always find its’ own level and rise collectively.

If we apply these qualities to the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, we see how during this period many have been stopped in their tracks and forced to experience a period of quiet which has brought the opportunity to reflect deeply within.
There has been great sensitivity and confusion, many extremes and contradictions to navigate.
Waves have been generated and old structures are coming down.
Everyone has been affected and many have become more group centred and insightful as a result.
From this position of intense sensitivity and fragility many see how new structures are needed.
While there may be resistance to change from those who have benefitted from the old structures, many want to be a part of the solution and not the problem and with enough people consistently making choices that demand change, new structures will emerge.
Adaptation, creativity and new thinking have become imperative.
Sharing the same goal on a global stage has increased co-operation and the speed of change.
The companies and people most willing and able listen and engage with their customers and voters, the companies then most able to adapt accordingly, will be the winners who take everyone with them.

Whereas for pervious generations the question was ‘What did you do in the war ?’
The question for future generations may be ‘What did you do to help save the planet ?’  

As with water there is the potential for us to rise together …

© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton

Title: Winter Solstice 2020 & New Year 2021

The winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year. After
this date, days become lighter for longer up until the summer solstice in June.
The winter solstice on 21st December 2020 was significant in terms of
astrology, on this date the two largest planets in our solar system (Jupiter
and Saturn) were closer to each other and to this planet than they have been
for 400 years. In terms of astrology, the global impact of this famous
conjunction (or meeting) is expected to last for at least 20 years.

In terms of astrology, Saturn generally represents structure (4) restriction and pessimism, whilst Jupiter typically represents new thinking (5), expansion and optimism.

In terms of Numerology, the challenge last year (2020) was about existing structures and restrictions, which brought up a great deal of emotion (2 + 2 = 4). The year 2020 also brought in the potential ‘master builder’, as represented by 22/ 4 (20 + 2 = 22 & 2 + 2 = 4). The ‘master builder’ at its best represents the birth of a new world, ideally built with love and compassion (20 + 2).

The challenge for this year (2021) on the other hand is to embrace change and inspire new thinking (2 + 2 + 1 = 5) as we potentially break out of the box represented by existing structures (4) and start to think in new ways (5). The year 2021 brings in 23/ 5 energy (20 + 2 +1 = 23 & 2 + 3 = 5), this represents great movement, change (5) and some brilliant ideas (3). However, because these new ideas (3) are born of emotion (20) we may doubt ourselves and there may be great restlessness. With extremes of emotion, it is key that we focus on what is viable and practical, ideally getting the details right before new thinking, expansion and optimism can follow.

We are now in 2021 and there are still restrictions imposed by
government, we are asked to limit our personal plans and work together towards
common goals that benefit everyone. We have now had more than 21 years with the
2 at the front of the year. This 2 energy brings separation, and for the first
time we may become more aware of the existing duality and polarities within our
society. Qualities of the 2 also include the diplomat, the facilitator and the co-ordinator
who can potentially navigate this to find the middle ground. In tarot (which
comes from Numerology), the 2 represents going behind the veil and into the
mystery, and the 4 represents focussing on what is viable and practical, as
well as great endurance. Both of these aspects are needed if we are not to give
up on the shared dream of world peace, as we potentially go into new territory.

Last year’s Winter Solstice occurred on 21/ 12/ 2020, the first goal that comes from this date is 33/ 6 (21 + 12 = 33/ 6), which potentially represents a feeling of responsibility (6) for the happiness of others (33). The challenge that comes from the year 2020 (2 + 2 = 4) is to bring in new structures (4) that allow us to care more for others. The mission that comes from this date (33 + 4 = 37/ 10/ 1) brings the potential for great spirituality (7) and creativity (30), to bring in new ideas and new beginnings (10/ 1). The 10/ 1 also represents great will power (1) enabling us to embrace the potential (0) or the unknown, and to re-emerge with a new awareness.

If we look at the phrase ‘Winter Solstice’ the first word starts with ‘W’, the 23rd letter of the alphabet. In terms of Numerology 23/ 5 represents great movement, change (5) and great ideas (3). However, because this great creativity (3) is born of emotion (20) we may doubt ourselves, resulting in a great restlessness as well, especially in the year 2021, which emphasises these qualities. The first vowel in this word is ‘I’, the 9th letter of the alphabet. In numerology this 9 represents the humanitarian and teacher, giving in service, with the characteristics of great wisdom and generosity.

   9      5       6       9   5   Soul Urge or Motivation = 34/   7
5   5 2   9  1    31 2  3     Personality or Essence    = 31/   4
                                       Overall Self Expression  = 65/ 11/ 2 

The overall self-expression (65/ 11/ 2) here represents the prolific creator and the higher mind (5) born from a love of harmony and beauty (60). These numbers bring an opportunity to shift from a focus on physical beauty to the beauty of devotion to a cause or idea, bringing the potential to inspire new thinking (11/ 2). This potential comes from the personality or essence (31/ 4) which represents the ‘spiritual warrior’. The 1 in this position is like a sword, born of great creativity (30) and potentially cutting through with a relentless determination to build structures (4) that can benefit everyone. The Soul Urge or motivation (34/ 7) is for a new structure (4) to emerge naturally from this great creativity (30/ 3), as we move from the darkness of the shortest day to days with more light, following the rhythm of Mother Nature.

With 11 energy, it is the space between the two 1s which is key in providing an effective channel and direct link to the spirit. This space is needed for us to stand back from ‘problems’ and look from a new perspective, to recognise the choices we have in how we respond and encouraging us to think in new ways. With such powerful energies coming through, emotional blocks can lead to explosions, therefore it is important for our collective health that we express our emotions.

The year 2000 brought the potential for lots of new thinking as we moved away from having a 1 at the front of the year, dominating every persons’ numerology charts. This 1 in Numerology represents the ‘single-minded unstoppable generator’ who needs to be leading from the front and insists on one way of doing things. This 1 is represented by the element fire. We have now had more than 21 years with the 2 at the front of the year, and the 2 now dominates most young people’s charts. The 2 in numerology represents the ‘sensitive peace maker’ who is very aware of the feelings of others, the diplomat, facilitator and the co-ordinator who prefers to work behind the scenes and is focussed on getting every detail right. The two is represented by the element water. As these new characteristics become more apparent their influence is becoming more powerfully felt.  This has been demonstrated by how the Collins English Dictionary in 2016 included ‘snowflake generation’ as one of their ‘words of the year’. This term is used to describe young adults of the 2010s, because they were viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations.

It must be remembered that the number 2 is represented by the element water and while water can be peaceful and clear, when flowing gently, water can also become a tsunami and either way water can move mountains. Water can also become steam and cause confusion by obscuring the view or become the ice which makes surfaces slippery and treacherous, either bringing lots of movement or stopping movement entirely.

As the influence of the 2 becomes more powerful, we are witnessing more people separating themselves out in their own ‘bubbles’ and doing things in their own way. Rather than one way of doing things, there are now many ways of doing everything, and rather than feel isolated like-minded people can stay in their own space whilst also connecting with others to form groups. Thanks to ‘one world technology and communication’ everyone’s voice can potentially be heard.

In 2020 we saw many extremes with the polarisation of opposing views – the pragmatic, co-operative and the conflicting ‘winner takes all’ attitude. On the one hand we witnessed the resilience and sacrifice of millions of selfless workers, working beyond their limits to save our lives or help in many other ways, often working for a minimum wage. While other workers, who made bets to short-sell airline shares when they crashed at the beginning of the pandemic personally made, literally, hundreds of millions of pounds. 

With the dominance of ‘1 energy’ we were encouraged to think in terms of one way of doing things, as well as ‘doing as we were told’. A great deal of money was made, empires were built and whole industries were there to encourage us to focus on the self, on being separate and ‘special’. Great importance was placed on money, fame and looking physically attractive in the eyes of others.

From separation, which is a feature of the 2, we now have an opportunity to look at things in new ways and to connect with like-minded people. This conversely brings the potential for us to come back together and focus on inclusion rather than separation, and with the emotional responses that drove us elevated to ‘love wisdom’ we may choose to focus more on devotion to causes and ideas rather than physical beauty. 

With the growing influence of 2 energy, we are potentially becoming more aware of the impact of our personal behaviours and choices on others. Many of course still benefit from us believing we have no choice, that we ‘have to buy this’ or ‘have to look like that’, but we wield great power as we are. This is especially true when we form groups with other like-minded individuals and empower each other to exercise our choices and make others aware that they also have a choice.

With so many people living on their own in smaller spaces, we are witnessing more the sharing of resources and ideas with businesses on a global scale such as Tik Tok, Depop, Uber, Air B&B, YouTube and Spotify available to everyone. Tik Tok is a video sharing, social networking service launched in 2016 with more than 1 billion active monthly users. This app. is growing fast, particularly amongst the young, hitting 1 billion downloads as of February 2019 and 2 million downloads in January 2020. A big part of its appeal amongst the young is the spontaneity of the short video clips with those taking part not needing to look perfect. Depop started in 2011 and is hailed as one of the most successful start-ups in the fashion re-sale space, with 15 million users in 147 countries. Depop has raised over $100 million in funding and users have sold over $500 million worth of merchandise.

It is estimated that 45% of the world’s population (3.5 billion people)
actively use social media. Professional ‘influencers’ (people who have built a
reputation for their knowledge and expertise on specific topics) are loved by
brands as they can create trends and encourage their followers to buy the
products that they promote. With young people wanting to shop more sustainably
and wanting to support other people who share their personal values rather than
corporations, we are also starting to see the growth in public Facebook Groups
such as ‘Not On Amazon’ which had 110,000 members within 4 months on Facebook.

There are still those who try to divide us, but with more people finding their voice and recognising they have a choice, these people can act as a ‘wake-up call’, encouraging us to voice our objections and realise that together we can decide the type of world we want.

Crisis can bring people together and bring out the best in people, it is encouraging that in the first 6 months of 2020 charitable giving rose by £800 million compared to the same period in 2019. Award winning charities have also increasingly been about inclusion, such as the ‘Maundy Relief’ charity which tackles poverty and the ‘Trev House’ charity which helps mothers recover from addiction without separating them from their children. Both charities are trying to break down the long-established shame and stigma that comes from poverty and addiction.

With lots of 2 energy there can however also be lots of confusion, complexity and hypersensitivity which may manifest as bad temper, spite and sarcasm or meddling and manipulation, all as forms of self-protection. Next year we have the date 22/ 2/ 2022 and in two hundred years we have the date 22/ 2/ 2222. We can expect a lot of emotion, confusion and frustration to be experienced on these dates, but also a great deal of communication. Before new structures can come in, the old structures have to come down and this may cause a great deal of conflict as so many have benefitted from how things have always been done. But 4 is ultimately about harmony through conflict, and in the process of deciding the new and sustainable world we want, it is important that everyone feels listened to. For this to happen we must start to think in new ways, with human values as a focus, not just monetary value and worth, ideally fixing and enforcing what is good and viable.

This pandemic has required a global effort to develop and distribute a vaccine, and this has been driven by world governments working together with one shared goal. New structures can also be driven by the considerable power and influence individuals wield, especially when they work together towards one goal. We can encourage groups of people to make choices together about their future and the sort of world they choose to live in. This way new structures can evolve naturally with ideally everyone feeling listened to. Corporations and governments may then be forced to listen to their new type of customer or voter.     

With the challenges and hardships that we are all experiencing, it is important that we nurture and share our hopes for the future. If we look at the word ‘Hope’ in terms of numerology: –

    6   5    Soul Urge or Motivation = 11/ 2 (represents a channel spirit)
8    7     Personality or Essence      = 15/ 6 (represents a decision to be made)
             Overall Self Expression    = 26/ 8 (represents ‘Lord Karma’)  

This word is about taking the decision (15/ 6) to think in new ways (11/ 2). The first letter ‘H’ is the 8th letter of the alphabet and a starting point, the overall self-expression of hope (26/ 8) forces us into action, ultimately to change patterns of behaviour (or karma) that would otherwise go on for ever.

The 8 on one level is about success in the material world, but it is ultimately about balance, (as above, so below). The 8 ultimately represents spirit and matter working together.

Hope is a decision, so let’s decide to work together to restore balance and create a world that truly reflects our collective human values!

© 2020 Copyright Jane Alton

Title: 2020 from a New Perspective

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Above is a diagram of ‘The Tetractys’ – a mystical symbol attributed to Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and the father of modern Numerology (born 570 BC). It is said that by pondering this symbol, the journey of ‘the energy of spirit’ through time and space may be revealed

This symbol represents the numbers from 1 to 20, which gives us the opportunity to view the journey from year 2000 to year 2020 in a whole new way, with numbers representing the energy of spirit as it evolves along its journey.

Viewing this Tetraktys in terms of years, we begin with the year 2000 at the top of a new Tetraktys, representing the beginning of a new cycle. The year 2000 signifies the end of more than 1900 years with a 1 at the front of the year and during most of this period, everyone would have had a 1 in their chart. The 1 represents the ‘unstoppable generator’ bursting with ambitious energy, this is symbolised by the element fire, and is regarded as the more masculine energy. With the strong influence of 1 energy, leaders during this time period tended to be more single minded and goal orientated.

With the year 2000, for the first time we had a 2 in the front of the year meaning new characteristics began to emerge, and by approximately 2100 everyone on this planet will have at least one 2 in their chart. The 2 energy is a completely different to the 1 energy, it is dominated by the Moon and is symbolised by the element water. The 2 is a more feminine, sensitive energy which is deeply aware of duality and has the characteristics of the diplomat, the facilitator and the peace maker. The Tetraktys illustrates how with the 2 energy we see separation for the first time; this is something we are witnessing as people choose to separate themselves out into their own ‘technology bubbles’. Separating ourselves allows time and space for us to reflect, potentially enabling us to observe more from a broader perspective and so rediscover the underlying unity behind everything. With the strong influence of 2 energy, we are also witnessing new leaders emerge, who see both sides of a situation and who focus on empathy, understanding and co-operation. This 2 energy can potentially lead to the 3 of creativity, turning raw feelings into great ideas at a higher level of development.

The zero in numerology represents the potential, the space, the no-thing that is eternal and from which everything flows. The zero also represents the lens or ‘the all seeing eye’ as it contains all that is past and the possibilities of new creation. This lens can magnify the qualities of numbers with a zero behind them such as the 1 in 31/ 4 (30+ 1 = 31/ 4), the 1 in this position can represent tremendous will driving forward. Finally, the zero embodies the state before movement, capturing stillness and encouraging reflection of all these possibilities before a new cycle begins.

© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton
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Title: The New £20 Note & Artist JMW Turner

The new plastic Bank of England £20 notes came into circulation on 20 February 2020 and will eventually replace the paper £20 notes still in use. They are made from a plastic polymer like the new £5 and £10 denominations, which is said to be more durable, cleaner and secure than paper. The improved security features include further steps being taken against counterfeiting with 2 windows and 2 colour foil.

There is lots of 2 energy represented here, which may bring painful feelings of separateness, but is ultimately about looking deeper to find truth and  share it, to develop something new after a period of time.

Turner was known as ‘the painter of light’ as his paintings of landscapes and seascapes conveyed great emotion and passion. Sometimes turbulent and often violent, his seascapes connect directly with the 2 energy, which in Numerology is represented by the element of water.

Rather than communicate what was seen in the physical realm, Turner was about communicating the energetic essence of the scene, alive with emotion and movement, making the spiritual come alive in a flat, physical form. Turner’s paintings brought in new thinking with regard to painting and a new art movement.

© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton

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Title: 2019 as seen from the Perspective of the Tetrktys

The Tetraktys is an ancient symbol which can be interpreted in many ways, and can be applied as a visual representation of the journey for the number 1. This can be used to illustrate how powerful 2019 may be, as we come to the end of karmic years.

On a planetary level we are witnessing everything coming up to be transformed, and it is perhaps no co-incidence that 19 in terms of Numerology represents the correct use of power.

On one level these are scary times, but we are also privileged to witness shifts that will potentially impact everyone. Such shifts only occur once every one thousand years.

© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton

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