Numerology for 21/ 02/ 2023

You may struggle to express yourself on a personal level. You may be wrapped up in yourself and feel very complex, but at the same time you may much want to be ‘out there’ inspiring others to think in new ways. It may help to focus on your goal and spend no time or energy comparing yourself with others, feeling you don’t measure up and that you are not good enough. Try also to be more patient, particularly with yourself and try not to be so sensitive to criticism. Give yourself space and time to think in new ways and to choose how you respond. Expressing yourself personally and developing your social side may enable you to shine for others, rather than be appear fragmented and scattered. The journey from your head to your heart may be the longest journey you will ever make and it will help you to break through.

2 thoughts on “Numerology for 21/ 02/ 2023”

  1. So resonated Jane with me ,thank you so much for sharing,I was guided to your post to confirm this,which helps so much xx

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