The Journey from our Head to Our Heart

The journey from our head to our heart may be the longest journey any of us ever make.

We can see from the above diagram how the words ‘Head’, ‘Heart’ and ‘Love’ are connected in terms of Numerology. We perhaps know from personal experience that when love is involved with whatever we are doing, it will work.

When our head works with our heart, and with love, we can feel passionate about what we are doing. Expansive, creative thinking can result, and we can feel energised …

When there is resistance to where we are and what we are doing, our head can become separate from our heart. We may ‘go through the motions’, but our heart is no longer in what we are doing. Working just from our head, rigid /limiting mindsets can continue to be reinforced and perpetuated. As a result, and we can find ourselves stuck, going round and round in circles, reacting in the same way, repeating these same pattens and creating the same outcomes … this can be draining and exhausting.

There are of course times when we must focus on the practicalities of life for our survival (and perhaps for the survival of those we love). Responding in a different way can be difficult, as many mindsets are subconscious and have been built up and reinforced over many generations. We may also be surrounded by people who agree with our choices and encourage them.

When we look at the word ‘Head’ in terms of numerology (as illustrated above), we can see this is made up of 3s. In numerology 3 represents active intelligence, and the first complete cycle, ‘The Trinity/ the blueprint/ the plan’. In terms of numerology, everything comes from the 3.

3 expresses creativity, turning raw feelings (2), onto great ideas (3).
3 encourages a feeling that ‘anything is possible’, but the 3 has to have the raw feelings (2), to work with and these can only come from the heart and from love.
When we look at the words ‘Head’ and ‘Love’ (above) …

We can see they have the same 18/ 9 Overall Self Expression (OSE – the sum of the numbers that come from the letters in the word).

In terms of numerology 18/ 9 (6 x 3), is dominated by the 8, which is constantly re-evaluating and reworking how best to serve the self (1) and to help others (9). The 8 brings everything to the surface again and again, to be looked at, especially in relation to illusion and glamour.

The first letter ‘H’ of the words ‘Head’ and ‘Heart’ is also an 8.
This further emphasises constant movement and encourages a strong desire to take the lead and focus on advancement. There is the potential for existing mindsets to be knocked down and rebuilt, so more balance is found between the material and the spiritual, encouraging change without harming anyone (including yourself).

The 9 (3 x 3) completes the cycle, extracting the wisdom from all that’s gone before. Ultimately the 9 can give everything in service and through teaching, returning to the potential or the zero, so the 10 can emerge and a new cycle can begin.

19/ 10/ 1, the Personality No. (what the world sees) with the word ‘Heart’, comes from 18/ 9 and ultimately represents the selfless leader, putting others first. This ‘correct use of power’ is a quality of a pure heart.

The head working with the heart can also bring oscillation and manipulation, either putting others first (9), while thinking ‘how about me?’ (1) or focussing on the self (1) and thinking ‘I want to help others’ (9).

This combined with the working of the 8s, bringing everything to the surface again and again, to be looked at, can ensure nothing is hidden.

The Soul Urge or motivation no. for the words ‘Head’ and ‘Heart’ is the 6 (2 x 3). This represents a choice to be made, ideally from an action born out of and driven by love (2). The 6 however, also wants perfection and can be obsessive about every detail being ‘right’ according to their plans. Rigid mindsets can be reinforced and perpetuated as they try to make their ideals of perfect harmony, a reality, for all concerned.

There can be bitterness with the 6, but also the potential to open to spirit and see the beauty without the perfection.    

The Personality no. (what the world sees) with the word ‘Head’ = 12/ 3 (4 x 3, also 6 x 2), This can represent ‘The Trinity/ the blueprint/ the plan’ (3) made viable (4).  Also, love / wisdom (2) influencing the concept of perfection (6) so the original idea (3), can manifest.

Space and time away from the drama, to look at things from a different perspective, is needed for this to happen. The journey from original idea (3), to building something solid (4), requires we step away from the constant movement and potential drama to dig deep within ourselves and connect again with our hearts and our raw feelings (2), so creative thinking (3), can result.  

The first letter of the word ‘Love’ is a no. 3 (and from the 3 comes the 4).
This further emphasises the potential for great communication and creativity when love is involved …
12/ 3 also comes from 11/ 2, which represents the Soul Urge or motivation of the word ’Love’. 

Whereas the 6 Soul Urge or motivation no. for the words ‘Head’ and ‘Heart’ represent a choice to made. The Soul Urge or motivation from the word ‘Love’ (11/ 2), can be regarded as a direct link with spirit. Bringing with it the force and passion of unconditional love (the most powerful force on this planet). This brings the potential for the passion to become the pursuit of truth, not pride and self-concern.

When this motivation (11/ 2) comes from a pure heartfelt passion this can influence the will (1), so the Personality of the word ‘Head’ (12/ 3), can be driven by a heart-felt passion (2), that influences the will (1) and generates ideas (3), out of compassion for others.

The personality no. from the word ‘Love’ = 7 (3 + 4) is a fiery energy that can represent going beyond the self, into new territory as you ‘walk your talk’ and bring everything together, so your ideas (3) can become viable (4).

The OSE of the word ‘Heart’ and the combination of the words ‘Head’ and ‘Heart’ are also 7s.

43 in Numerology can represent great creativity (3) coming into the existing structure (4) and the potential for rigid mindsets to be willing to adapt and to be open to intuition, synchronicity, as well as creative, expansive thinking.

25 in Numerology can represent ‘the birth of consciousness’ as everything (light and shadow) potentially works together to bring in new thinking (5) and true co-operation.

16/ 7 represents the search for truth and balance between responsibility to ourselves (1) and to others (6).
It is interesting that 25/ 7 also represents the challenge we all face this year.

How wonderful if in the last few months of 2023 (20 + 2 + 3 = 25/ 7), each of us connects with our own hearts, so we can then connect with the hearts of others and true co-operation can result, as well as more creative thinking and the Birth of Consciousness.

Just one person thinking in new ways, changes their environment completely.

October (10/ 1), November (11/ 2) and December (12/ 3) …
In terms of Numerology, everything comes from the 3.

“When you feel powerless, that’s because you have stopped listening to your heart”
Native American quote by Gianni Crow. 

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