In terms of Numerology, the motivation here is to re-evaluate (8) how best to help others (9). We may be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone (18/ 9), but a new year is about to start, potentially full of new beginnings and new opportunities.

The Personality (what the world sees) encourages us to think in new ways and embrace change (50/ 5).

Overall, it is about breaking out of the box (4) to and explore new ways to find freedom (5) despite the limitations (14/ 5). We may feel very unsettled wanting the security of the existing structure (4) as well as the freedom to do things in new ways (5). To get through we may have to focus on practical communication (68/ 14/ 5), as we explore all the possibilities together.

New thinking has the power to change everything!!!

© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton

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