Numerology for 31/ 01/ 2025

You may want to be seen and heard and may have a relentless determination to shake things up at a profound level, to bring about change. If so, try to be more realistic and not so dependant on what others think. Actions can sometimes speak louder than words and you may feel it is down to you to persevere. Working with others may help you to get past comparing yourself to others, perhaps feeling you don’t measure up and that you are not good enough. Don’t hide away but stay focussed on your goals. Let go of the past and all that no longer serves you., make room and prepare for new opportunities on their way …

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.

Numerology for 30/ 01/ 2025

You may feel overwhelmed and your plans to take charge, may initially leave you feeling disappointed. However, the resulting break, may help you look at things differently and may remind you how important it is to love what you do. Take time to stand back from things, look from a new perspective and something may be deeply understood. By making your new ideas clear, you may be able to start building something new from scratch. Your image isn’t everything and it may be important that you let others know what you really want, always remember also that necessity is the mother of invention.

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.

Numerology for 29/ 01/ 2025

You may be very determined and amazingly creative, especially with ideas, but you can also be easily distracted and there may be lots of emotion. You may feel pulled in different directions and there may be a fear of failure. To make your ideas real you need to stay focussed rather than scattered. Shine for others but don’t always insist that you can do without and learn to open-up about what you want. There will never be the perfect time so, give yourself time and space to recover and to be yourself again. You may have to toughen up and believe in yourself. Use your true feelings to see clearly in all situations.

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.

Numerology for 28/ 01/ 2025

You can be gutsy, strong-willed, and driven – so keep hold of the tiger’s tail!! The courage to be truly independent may be a big part of who you are but try to cultivate patience and be realistic about your capabilities. Try to stay focussed on one step at a time and what needs to be done, but at the same time give yourself space to think in new ways. See your sensitivity as a strength, recognise you have a choice in how you respond every moment. Get past your fear of failure, by staying focussed on emotional control. Maintain your individuality and goals in in spite of the endless changes and there is the potential for a breakthrough.

Numerology for 27/ 01/ 2025

You may be up early with lots to do and there may be lots of emotion that you may choose to express in action. It may be important that you do things in your own way, even if this brings up lots of emotion. Patience may be an important lesson for you, pay attention also to the opinions and reactions of others. Realising your hopes through creativity and communication may be possible, but you need to be realistic in your outlook and rest when you need to. It may help to view success from a broader perspective – success can mean just loving the work you do and being happy.

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.

Numerology for 26/ 01/ 2025

You may feel exhausted and very sensitive, a lot brought may be being brought to the surface for you to deal with. If so, acknowledge how sensitive you are and recognise you are not always right. Decide to take time out to look within and connect with your feelings more. Look back and try to feel gratitude for the wisdom gained. Truly listen, cultivate your human side as well as your great creativity and you may change some powerful patterns. Learn to relax and enjoy yourself – you may find the joy again. Admitting weakness sometimes lightens your burden.

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.

Numerology for 25/ 01/ 2025

You may feel pushed into action, as you think on your feet and try to stay one step ahead. You may be a natural networker, with an air of great confidence and self-assurance, but inside there may be emotional turmoil, especially when you find yourself unfamiliar territory. It may be important that you listen as well as speak, keeping everything, (especially your words) as clear and simple as possible. Patience and balance may be key. Learn to embrace change, learn when to push, when to pull and when to do nothing. Keep your spirits high and focus on your goals. Accept change and responsibility. Don’t be afraid at times to stand back and let things happen.

Numerology for 24/ 01/ 2025

You may inspire a great deal of admiration and loyalty from those around you and may be devoted to your cause, but you can also be a perfectionist who is ruthless about getting what you want. There may may be a great deal of emotion you find difficult to express and it may be important you go into the quiet to find your message and true self. Although your cause may be very positive, you may come across as insensitive. It may be important to truly listen to others, keeping your words clear and simple. Others may not remember what you say, but they will always remember how you make them feel. You are something special, not because people say you are, but because of what’s on the inside. It may be time to fight for your own identity and to do more of what you love to do in your own unique way, revealing more of your true nature … Love after all is the most powerful force on this planet …

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.

Numerology for 23/ 01/ 2025

You can make a memorable first impression and may be comfortable with being thought of as a bit of an eccentric, if this means you can be left to do things in your own way. The truth may be crystal clear to you and choosing to live this way may help you to remain creative and inspired. While this is all very idealistic you may also find that you are not so different after all and that you enjoy fitting in once-in-a-while.
If so, try to stay focussed on your plans and be patient, there may be lots of emotion you find difficult to express. Cultivate calm, patience and persistence rather than always going your own way. Know you are here in service …

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.

Numerology for 22/ 01/ 2025

Your great impatience and sensitivity may make you feel very vulnerable. There may be a lot of emotion you may find difficult to express and you may be feeling very impatient. It may be important you focus your energies and try to keep your reactions calm and considered. You may have lots of ideas, but you may doubt yourself. You may also not be afraid to put yourself on the line and to take risks, but you may be more effective tempering your passions and listening carefully. Beware of misdirected anger and try to be receptive to the advice of others. Above all, try to be patient and positive, watch your temper.

The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).

The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).

Link to Newsletter below with further information.