Numerology for 27/ 04/ 2023

You may be focussed on getting the job done with no time for sophisticated criticism or praise. You may want to do things in your own way and time, but your sensitivity is still your greatest strength. Tune into your feelings and there is the potential to think and act in new ways. Obstacles, delays, other people trying to impose their thinking on you, these are opportunities for you to push through with your great creativity to transform things for yourself and others, if you can continue to believe in yourself. So, try to get past your disappointment and be grateful to the obstacles, they encourage great creativity and inner strength, they also keep you grounded, focused, and connected to others. Obstacles mean you are moving forward, they can help you to find great inner strength and to break through. However, allowing yourself space and time, to stand back from the drama and let go with love all that no longer serves you, is also an important part of this process.

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